On Tuesday 07 June 2016 19:46:31 J. Drahun wrote:
05.06.2016 21:48, Lisi Reisz wrote:
I have KSnapshot installed, then I just press the
print-screen key.
I've found a strange thing.
It is set in Settings to call KSnapshot after PrintScreen.
The strange thing is KSnapshot doesn't launch after PrintScreen.
What should I look for to understand the source of the problem?
Best wishes, J. Drahun.
I just noticed that printscr is in the same colored text on the home key
that the top of the FN key is. The lower right front FN key, between Alt
and Ctrl so I pressed the FN and the printscr/home key. ksnapshot
popped right up and took a snap of this whole screen. I don't recall
setting anything like that up. Perhaps yours will work with the
FN+printscr key too?
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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