The only
real solution is to get gmail _out_ of the path used to
move the message both ways. One way is fine.
Gmail isn't in my SMTP path.
SMTP is sending,. The received header I show above confirms it came to
me, from pearsoncomputing thru the gmail server farm.
How are you receiving? If thru a different address/server there shouldn't
be a problem. You haven't, that I can recall, related the address you
use to receive. That does make a yes/no difference.
Please stop trying on my behalf to create a
problem that isn't there.
That there is a problem I agree. But you have entirely misdiagnosed
With what information I have, that is entirely possible Lisi. Most,
unaware of the problem, use the same address for both directions, and I
had assumed that. My bad, and my apologies if that is untrue.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
This should be coming through the Gmail SMTP server. It will therefore not
reach me, so I am sending a copy to my husband so that I can see the headers.