I've upgraded my OpenSuSE Leap 15 to Trinity 14.0.6, but now I can't use
Administrator Mode to e.g. change the Login Manager settings.
As a regular user I can start the Trinity Control Center and navigate to
System Administration -> Login Manager, but when I click on Administrator
Mode I get a tdesu window to fill in the root password, but after filling in
the root password it is non-responsive. (See attachment 1.) The problem
appears to be with tdesu, because when I kill that, the Control Center window
is unlocked again.
If I start a root konsole session and enter
kcontrol &
the Trinity Control Center starts, but has only two components visible (see
attachment 2). I also see the following messages in the root konsole window:
| █ [tdebuildsycoca] tdebuildsycoca running...
| [tdebuildsycoca] Reusing existing tdesycoca.
| kcontrol: WARNING: No TDE menu group with X-TDE-BaseGroup=settings found !
Defaulting to Settings/
What do I need to change to get the Control Center working properly? What
other information will help diagnose this?
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I'm not sure if this'll be helpful in any way but on my machine (latest Debian) I
am not prompted
to enter root's password, but rather my own. And once I do that I get the access to
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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