On 09/06/2017 10:51 AM, Greg Madden wrote:
cool, thank you.
I saw the xbindkeysrc mentioned, a way forward.
Greg M
On 09/06/2017 12:54 AM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> Hi Greg!
>> Kensington Expert Mouse:
>> Lots of info on the net about this mouse, have tried modifying xorg,
>> .xinitrc, .xmodmap per instructions, button mapping code.
>> No changes to the button assignment. Control center has a three button
>> mouse tool, it works for 3 of the 4 buttons.
> I happen to use the same mouse :-)
> The 4th button is button 8, you can use "xev" or "xbindkeys -k"
to verify. I have used xbindkeys to map 4th button to "nextDesktop":
> # ~/.xbindkeysrc
> "dcop twin KWinInterface nextDesktop"
> b:8
> You can also use "xinput" to modify the button assignment - I prefer this
method to fiddling with Xorg settings. Here is an example from my .xinitrc for Aiptec
tablet, changes button 1 to button 13:
> # AIPTEK SlimTablet Pendown (Button 1) auf Button 13 mappen
> ID=$(xinput list|grep WALTOP|sed 's/^.*=\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/')
> xinput set-button-map $ID 13
> For Kensington to swap button 8 and button 4:
> $ xinput set-button-map $(xinput list | grep "Kensington Expert Mouse" |
sed 's/^.*=\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/') 1 2 3 8 5 6 7 4
> More details about your mouse - funny that it claimes to have 12 buttons:
> $ xinput list --long $(xinput list | grep "Kensington Expert Mouse" | sed
> Nik
Its working, I had to fiddle with the button mapping sequence. I swapped
2 & 4, added your .xbindkeysrc, ended up with 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2, I wanted
my middle button on 4 and I get a fourth button I had not used.
According to xinput:
Buttons supported: 8
Button labels: "Button Left" "Button Middle" "Button Right"
Wheel Up" "Button Wheel Down" "Button Horiz Wheel Left"
"Button Horiz
Wheel Right" "Button Side"