Am Samstag, 6. Februar 2021 schrieb phiebie(a)
This is my favourite PDF-viewer and as such I have in
mimeinfo.cache the entry "application/pdf=kpdf.desktop".
Where is this file located on your system that you edit manually?
On my system (Devuan Beowulf) it is in
$ grep pdf /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
$ grep pdf ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
[no output]
BTW, most of the time kpdf opens all PDF-files on my system, though, for
Midnight Commander I had to configure that manually. That means there
has to be another config layer in TDE to make that happen, because my
system obviously is configured to use "atril" by default.
perfect....until I update libreoffice-draw or google-chrome. At that
moment the kpdf-entry gets erased and instead of it 'draw' or
'chrome' appears or even both. And I have to correct this entry
manually again and again.
If the line "application/pdf=kpdf.desktop" is in mimeinfo.cache under
$HOME it should override the entry in the systemwide mimeinfo.cache and
not be changed by installation nor upgrade of packages, no?!
Is there a possibility to add in the installscript of
kpdf the same
mechanism as in chrome and draw - a delete/replace statement?
What would be achieved by that? You'd have to reinstall or
dpkg-reconfigure kpdf every time after libreoffice-draw or
google-chrome got upgraded on your system.
Kind regards,