On Tuesday 26 June 2018 09:06:17 Stefan Krusche wrote:
Am Dienstag 26 Juni 2018 schrieb dep:
on my temporarily defunct desktop machine
i've set things up to send a
bcc of my outgoing mail to my archive machine. i need to do this on the
new machine but for the life of me i can't find where i can do it.
anybody know?
In the composer there's a drop down menu which says "To" by default, and
you open it there's also "Copy" and "BCC", I'm not sure how
it is named
with an english user interface, though.
You also can configure the one "identity" which is supposed to send a BCC
every time. On the third register card, called "expanded" or
(not sure again how it is called in English), there's a field to fill in an
email address to send the BCC to.
Hope this helps,
1. In Kmail, click on your TO address for intended recipient (but don't change
it unless you intend to do so).
2. Hit return, and you will find an address line added for CC.
(Now I use the tab & shift-tab to move back and forth through the menu; much
easier than mouse for this small task. But the mouse will work, too.)
3. When you get to your CC addresses (usually beneath the TO address), you can
either left-click that with your mouse (or mouse keys, if you like to use
them); or better, I think, to use a DOWN arrow key, and you ought to see BCC;
and if you hit UP arrow key, you will revert to CC.
And there it is.
A handy tip our armchair adventurers:
For myself, I like to create email templates in Kmail for oft-used
correspondents (such as the trinity-users list!); this saves me lots of time,
as my TO, BCC & CC are already filled out. I make my subject line TDE, and
just change that before sending. When I was rebuilding my machine, I used to
send a BCC copy to my Gmail account, so that I didn't lose anything in the
occasional chaos of reinstallations, partioning, etc. So creating a templates
do make some of my emails semi-automated was very helpful.