J Leslie Turriff wrote:
Also PE and NU; and according to Wikipedia, YK is
commonly used, but the
official code is YT. (!)
And, Newfoundland (NF) is now Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). This seems
to be up to date now. Note, though, that abbreviations in the
nsd_cccc.txt file might not be as up-to-date as this list: :-)
| New | Old (Eng., Fr) | Name
| ----- | --------------- | ---------------------
| AB | Alta, Alb | Alberta
| BC | B C, C-B | British Columbia
| MB | Man | Manitoba
| NB | N B, N-B | New Brunswick
| NL | Nfld,N L, T-N-L | Newfoundland and Labrador
| NS | N S, N-E | Nova Scotia
| NT | N W T, T N-O | Northwest Territories
| NU | Nvt, Nt | Nunavut
| ON | Ont | Ontario
| PE | P E I, I P E | Prince Edward Island
| QC | Que, Qc, PQ, QU | Quebec
| SK | Sask | Saskatchewan
| YT,YK | Yuk, Yn | Yukon Territory
Many of the entries in nsd_cccc.txt have the province appended to the
location instead of in the State field, but many more have none at all.
What fun!
I do not think we can change this unless someone talks to NOAA.
The plan now is - we use the source nsd_cccc.txt maintain our own file
station_names.txt where we correct names, add mapping to states and regions
and flag the stations status as operational, decommissioned or unknown.
this seems sufficient to generate required files with much better quality
and level of completeness than given at present