On 19/05/11 15:05, Patrick Kelly wrote:
David Hare wrote:
> Trinity will no longer install in wheezy:
> kdelibs4c2a-trinity depends on libavahi-qt3-1 which is no longer
> available
> I got it from squeeze repos then the rest of Trinity was installable
> Maybe this could go in trinity-builddeps?
> Anyone else running wheezy/sid?
it can still be installed on sid aslong as you also
add the squeeze
repos to your repo list (wont cause system wide problems as sids
packages are taken before the squeeze ones when avaliable)
Found another: libsensors3 kde-base
It's in squeeze and sid but not wheezy (at least today) kde-base depends
on it
Probably is best to enable stable, if only during Trinity installation.
Good to see Trinity working in current testing at all (quite nicely
here), wonder for how long