Am Sonntag, 15. Juli 2018 schrieb William Morder:
From these details, I assume that you are running
Nothing to assume here, I revealed that in my original post. ;-)
I was just about
to write something about similar problems that I have had over the past
week or ten days. When I run apt-get dist-upgrade (running Devuan), it
installs slim and xfce (neither of which I want), as well as libreoffice
packages (which I also don't want, as I prefer OpenOffice). When I tried to
get rid of these items and reinstall only OpenOffice and tdm-trinity as my
default dm, I ended up with a system that booted, then halted at a login
prompt; I tried to login, but neither user nor root logins worked, and I
couldn't boot into failsafe or anything else that worked.
This probably depends on what state your system was in before upgrading, that
is, which packages were installed and if they were installed manually or by
which dependency etc., which is unclear by the information you provide, so
either it's a Devuan-related issue or based on what you have done. It has
nothing to do with the problem I reported.
On the whole, Devuan runs much faster than Debian, and
also my system
doesn't hang. I started having these and other problems, and returned for
the moment to Debian Jessie, which runs okay, but hangs a lot, and when I
try to reboot seems to get permanently stuck on some stuff called rpcbind
and watchdog. (Also I note that systemd is always doing something, don't
know what.)
I am contemplating some kind of FrankenDebian hack (or rather,
FrankenDevuan). I seem to recall that somebody mentioned that sysvinit
could be installed, and systemd purged, on a Debian system. The do upgrades
from the Debian repositories, but keep sysvinit and avoid the systemd
Any ideas, guys?
Outline your problem(s) precisely and start a new thread or maybe post to devuan
Kind regards,