On 1/20/22 7:18 AM, c. marlow wrote:
aka the Dan Youngquist method:
Dan states in a recent email, that the way he installs TDE would be to install
a MINIMAL XFCE installation and then install TDE
I didn't say a minimal XFCE
installation; I only said I usually install TDE
after XFCE. I've installed TDE after LXDE and had no problems, but the last
time was a few years ago, so something could've changed by now.
The last 4-5 years I've mostly been using MX Linux. Install, update, then
install TDE per the instructions on the website. My goal is to get a
smoothly working system as quickly and simply as possible, without having to
mess around with multimedia, wireless drivers, etc.; MX does that very
nicely. On old, slower machines I usually change to an Antix kernel because
they're optimized for better performance on older hardware.
The only change I'd really like to make to the above procedure is to find a
rolling release that will run TDE, and hopefully Debian based. But I
haven't had much luck with that. I really don't like having to completely
reinstall every few years.
PGP key: