On May 3, 2012
5:41 AM, "Werner Joss" <werner(a)hoernerfranzracing.de> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 03.05.2012, 11:15 +0200 schrieb
> "daniele.manghi(a)libero.it" <daniele.manghi(a)libero.it>it>:
>> Hi.Here is my problem :on Kubuntu Oneiric, I can't run
>> nm-appletbecause I get a conflict between GTK+2 and GTK+3.As a
>> consequence I cannot activate any mobile connectionfrom Trinity. Is
>> there a way to get nm-applet working, or touse a different application
>> for the same purpose ?ThanksD.
> you could try wicd - works well for me with trinity.
> werner
For me, wireless connection always works in Lubuntu, but not in
Trinity, even using wicd. It fails to validate a correct password, be
it with WEP or WPA. Using a 2-WIRE modem. Is there a prefix that I
need to include in the password? Or disable some daemon process?
(BTW, went back to Lubuntu 11.10, then was able to install and
activate Trinity desktop.)
Wireless connection - an apparent solution.
In /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections I found a file 2WIRE048,
which had been created when networking in Lubuntu:
uuid=[modem's uuid number]
mac-address=[modem's mac-address]
wep-key0=[10 digit WEP key]
I copied this into a new file named 2WIRE[number], then filled in the
appropriate id, ssid, mac-address, and wep-key0 (which in this case is
wpa2-key0). The uuid didn't seem to matter, but maybe best to find
and use it.
Then ran wicd, which used the new file and connected successfully.
NOTE: in wicd click on the network's Properties, then the Information
button to get mac-address and encryption type.