On 2022/01/14 09:12 PM, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
On Friday 14 January 2022 10.40:55 Michele
Calgaro wrote:
Hi Thierry,
you can use the autostart manager module in TCC to run a script at
logout. Cheers
Hi Michele,
Sounds interresting but I can't find anything like this in TCC. The only
thing looking like it would be changing in Login Manager / Shutdown but
this would only work, seems, when shutting down.
Hi Thierry,
You need to install the package kcontrol-autostart-trinity and then it
appears as TDE Components->Autostart manager. Cheers
Thanks Michele. I copy to the ML because I did not know of this package, so it
may interrest others.
I also notice that while ~/.trinity/Autostart seems to always exist, and I
knew that putting a link to a script there runs it at startup, directory
~/.trinity/shutdown did not exist (or I never noticed it) and it plays the
same role for shutdown.
Once again Trinity solves problems simply and with elegance :)
TDE rules :))