Hello Everyone...
I'm using Kubuntu Hardy and I will like to use Kubuntu Jaunty with
kde3, I live in Cuba and I want to use the Kde3 remix for Jaunty but I
can't connect to internet to upgrade from Jaunty kde3 reposity, but I
have acces to Jaunty and Hardy repositorys here in Cuba. I have some
1- Can I upgrade kd3 packages form hardy repository?????
2- How long is the size of Jaunty kde3 reposity????
3- How I can download with out using debmirror?????
Thanks for your help
Eng. Luis Manuel Garcés Socarrás
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VI Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación
9 - 12 de Junio 2009, Palacio de las Convenciones
...Por una cultura energética sustentable