I wondered about it at the time, but not doing it crashed 2 machines who
were linked via an ssh login were locked up tight last night, this one
and one of my machine controllers. I had to get dressed to walk up the
hill in 20F weather and press the reset buttons on both it and this one.
Its been yonks since a crash, took me by surprise. And I'd tried to run
latency-test from linuxcnc on this machine last night after the reboot,
and found a passle of rtapi_app and rtapi running this morning that
weren't killable by a root session of htop. Some sort of a ghost or??,
as stopping htop, and restarting it made them go away. Strange goings
on but it seems to be running normally now.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
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