Hi all,
I have for you some informations about alternative apt
source 'preliminary-stable-builds'.
1) Because the release of Jessie as a new stable series is approaching, I
extended the platforms for which are packages built. Besides usual amd64,
i386, armel and armhf.
a) mips => 100% done
b) powerpc => due to a technical problem with qemu-user are not built
c) arm64 => 100% done - someone has such hardware? We are ready :)
2) On the user wish I added build for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) on PowerPC
platform (Ubuntu Ports) => 100% done.
3) Finally, preliminary packages for upcoming Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid) are
available - the usual platforms amd64 and i386.
And, of course, are continually updated packages :)
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