Is there a way to not have borders around windows? Or at least the side
vertical borders?
I am using TDE Classic Style.
When I am reading an online article in a web browser, often I "fling"
the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen to keep the pointer out
of the way of reading text. I use the mouse scroll wheel to move down
the page.
With TDE I can't do that because when the pointer hovers over that left
edge window border the effect is to kill scrolling. I have to
continually bump the mouse pointer to the right to get off the border.
I do not experience this in other desktop environments. Memory muscle
and habits are difficult to change. So I am thinking this is a property
of twin.
Yes, the songs are transmitted to your headphones, but that's over a paired Bluetooth connection between the headphone and the phone. And there's no cost to that. You only pay for the data transmitted to your smart device over the phone company's network by way of using the app.
I see this error popup on various installations. The instant one is a 32bit
Bookworm freshly upgraded from Bullseye with 14.0.12. Bullseye does it too. The
trigger is left clicking on the menu starter. On those where it ever occurs, it
only happens once. Trying again after dismissing the popup always works. Anyone
familiar with it, what to do to eliminate it?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata
Hi all,
some time ago I was thinking about whether we want to become an active
member of social networks with our project. Things like Facebook and
Twitter have always been "no go" zones for me. However, I've been
thinking about the Mastodon platform for a long time.
Mastodon is a decentralized platform for publishing short messages and
pictures. It is based on open source architecture and therefore this
platform is close to our ideas. You can see profiles of other projects
like,, and others.
I assume that it would help to "make us visible" and information could be
published there, for example about the release of new versions, or some
useful information regarding development, screenshots, solving issues and
community info.
Does it seem like a good idea for us to have an official communication
channel for our project on Mastodon? What is your opinion on this?
Hi all;
Maybe somebody can reproduce this: opening the attached pdf in kpdf only shows the formulas, but not the text. Opening the same pdf in xpdf works flawless.
kpdf-trinity 4:14.1.0~s218-0debian12.0.0+13~b1
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Hi all!
I just stumbled onto a problem in kmail that I think is present in 14.1.X but not earlier:
When "answering to mailinglist" the sender adress is always the last used address. It does not use the aDress I set in the mail folder settings for that specific folder.
Can somebody confirm this? I run kmail 4:14.1.0~s290-0debian12.0.1+11~a
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
I remember that someone on the User list works with CNC or some such, and I wonder if he
knows that CISA <> regularly issues advisories about Industrial
Control System vulnerabilities?
Platform: Linux
Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64)
Desktop Environment: Trinity
Qt: 3.5.0
TDE: R14.0.13
tde-config: 1.0
Greets, folks . . .
I'll not mention the three hours I spent yesterday trying to get the
Thinkpad wireless working again -- it had been off for a few days -- or
the multitude of diagnostics I ran, or how at the end I remembered the
little physical switch that turns wifi off and on. It was on, but when I
switched it off and then on again the wifi was suddenly fine. So, a
reminder: flip off/on switches at least once every 15 years or so.
No, won't mention that. But will mention something else that is driving me
(further) insane: On the Thinkpad I now have *two* keyring popups, one,
presumably gnomish, that wants my user password when I start the network,
and the other, genuine TDE, that pops up when I start KMail. It, too,
wants my user password but not my mail password. After entering these, all
proceeds as hoped.
I'd like to make them go away. I have searched the machine for any kind og
keyring configuration file for either of these things, and have come up
empty. The TDE Wallet Service version says "The application 'kmail' had
requested to open the wallet 'kdewallet.' Please enter the password for
this wallet below."
Anyone know how I can make these things stop? I don't have anything running
that I don't have running on the desktop machine, where I do not get the
This has come up before, and gets discussed, but the problem seems to remain.
Is there some way that we can get the mailing list to hide our personal emails
from public view?
I created an email template just for the TDE mailing list, so that my "reply
to" address gives <users(a)> as my email, so this works
pretty well. But if I click to reply to somebody else's post, then I find
that I often send an email directly to their personal address, and that my
personal email address is also exposed.
So far as I know, there is not a bad person who participates in this mailing
list, and I don't mind if I get sent an email directly from anybody here,
whether intentionally or by mistake. I often do the same to others. But it
would be nice if we could keep our email addresses from being exposed to
public view, and we all know some of the reasons: email harvesters and
spammers and phishers and so on.
Hi everyone,
so far donations to the TDE project have always ended up to Tim. Although he is the founder of the project, he has not
really been involved in the daily matters and development for several years.
In the past there has been talks to establish a non-profit TDE organization, but this has yet to happen.
With release R14.1.0 coming soon, I would like to propose for donations to be temporarily redirected to Slavek, till the
TDE non profit organization is established. Once the organization comes to birth, the amount of donations can be
transferred over to it.
A transparent public account of donations could be setup, so everyone would be free to see how donations would be used.
If Slavek needed to pay additional taxes due to the temporary donation income, I suggest those would be paid out of the
donations themselves.
What is your opinion? There is about a month before R14.1.0 is released, so it would probably leave just enough time to
prepare the new setup.