> All,
> From time to time I create a new kdm and ksplash theme. If anyone is
> interested, here is the latest (link good for 30 days)
> https://paste.opensuse.org/31493489
> I have the artwork so changing KDE/TDE can be done relatively easy. If
> interested, let me know and I can post a link (probably on digitalblasphemy
> the like)
> --
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Wow David!
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How does one edit the main TDE menu?
I found a button labelled "Edit TDE Menu" at Trinity Control Center | Desktop
| Panels | Menus, but it does nothing when clicked.
Web: http://enginehousebooks.com/drevans
I just upgraded Buster, Mageia 7 and Fedora 30 installations on a 32-bit PC using
an old RV200 Radeon AGP GPU. Then I installed 14.0.7. Buster and Mageia work
normally, but the icons and text in Fedora's unthemed greeter are all corrupt. I
get similar TDE session results using startx instead of the greeter, which I have
as yet been unable to get to launch a TDE session.
Any chance this is something that installing some Trinity optional package might
solve by pulling in some broken dependency? Any ideas what could solve this?
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/
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Up until recently when I plugged in an external drive it was auto-mounted and Konqueror would open
it in a new tab. What happens now is I get a KIOExec error saying that /media/jsto/backup_drive
is a directory but a file was expected. However, the derive is mounted correctly - it's just that
Konqueror doesn't open it automatically. I can browse the file normally if I naviaget to system:/
in Konqueror. When I connect an encrypted drive I get a prompt for the password (which doesn't
work because it's not yet fully implemented, I think) and I can also see there's a file copying
progress window that shows Konqueror is trying to copy from system:/media/dm-2 to
file:///var/tmp/tdecache-jsto/krun/24101.0.dm-2. If I enter the password then I get the same
error as for a non-encrypted drive.
Anyone else experiencing similar problems? I don't know whether this has to do with my
configuration or something broke during an update (I'm on PSB).
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Hi Guys,
I've somehow created a problem for myself !
I tried to add an application via control panel so that I could just
click on a file and it would open in that application.
I closed the windows and clicked on the file and now all I get for
everything is and error message
"Could not find mime type application/octet-stream" Control panel no
longer pops up and everything requires clicking OK.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards:
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Hi all!
I have this setup on FreeBSD:
- tdm is listening for XDMCP
- Xvnc (as nobody) uses XDMCP and is started by inetd on port 5900.
- any user can ssh to the server, port 5900 is accessible via tunnel
- "vncviewer localhost 5900" briungs up tdm login screen
- logging in and working with TDE works flawless - big thumbs up :)
But I would like to change the TDM appereance. Now it's black text on blue background, and the DPI settings are wrong (looks like they are 70dpi or something like that). The only thing I can change is the textcolor of the list of users, but the rest of the theme is ignored (no clock, background alwaqys dark blue, small text ...). Any idea which config file I should tweak?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
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Hello all,
My school just decided to use office365 for our mail adresses.
I was able to setup Thunderbird to access this new e-mail, however it means if
I don't think start thunderbird I won't see if I got mail.
Is it possible to configure kmail to access an exchange server?
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Gmail's UI is confusing garbage... I somehow managed to send this reply
only to Michele, and not the list
On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 3:14 AM Michele Calgaro <michele.calgaro(a)yahoo.it>
Thanks for the info.
KJobViewer autostart is dependant on tdeprintrc:Jobs:KeepWindow
property, so you can set that to false rather than
remove the file, otherwise the next build may reisntall the desktop
autostart file.
Still we will need to see why cups is pulled in if built without
support for it.
I have created an issue on TGW as a reminder
Every distro would have it, so it's not something that would get noticed. I
was thinking, I might well be the only person here that doesn't have CUPS.
I'm a stubborn dinosaur... I'll have only what I want, how I want it, and
where I want it :-)
The option to disable Cups does allow tdelibs to build, at least. It was
never a problem for me before this change, perhaps kjobviewer was just
silently failing to load (I don't think I've ever seen it, even on my
Manjaro gaming setup where I do have Cups... also a build from before the
change, I'm soon going to do a new build there too). I don't remember
seeing it in KDE back in the 2000's either (and you guessed it, I didn't
have a printer then either)
I also saw the KJobViewer "keep window permanent" commit in tdelibs when I
was looking for the cause of the changed behaviour for me, but didn't make
the connection. Indeed I would expect my next build to install that
.desktop file with tdebase.
Thanks for posting the report. I'm not too good at that. Will test if
anything is done about it though.
Probably a silly question with an obvious answer...
When I start Kontact, I see a nice list of contacts. It also puts korganizer
in the system tray. When I then close Kontact, korganizer stays in the system
tray, but I don't see any way to get the list of contacts back without again
starting Kontact.
How do I either:
1) see the contacts from korganizer?
2) stop korganizer from starting when I run Kontact?
(Basically, I don't want korganizer running unless it's going to allow me to
see contacts.)
Web: http://enginehousebooks.com/drevans