Over the last several days, kmail has gotten so unstable its not usable.
Now tdewallet has also died, I have submitted 20+ crash reports, no
reply, and I've no clue if it will even send this message. How about
some help or an acnowlegement of the problem. I've rebooted, even
re-installed all of kmail to no avail. I've also run memtest about 3 full
cycles, no errors.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <>
Hi people
I no longer have net_applet access as user. This happened after a few updates.
I'm guess it's a perm problem. Any ideas where to look?
i've made the picture dinky as i can while having it big enough to see. as you can tell, everything to the right -- taskbar, icons of running applications -- has gotten squashed. before i moved the icons on the left, simply rearranging them, everything was distributed nicely across the bottom of the screen. i do not know if having a black background is hiding some handle i can use to stretch stuff out, but if it is i cannot find anything about it. and every time i moved an icon to be in a grouping of other similar applications, the stuff on the right got squashed further, though no new icons were being added to kicker. nor can i find a configuration file i can screw around with.
anybody know how i can fix this?
Some pictures:
> hi, everybody . . .
> i've encountered a weirdness as i try to arrange some icons on my kicker. i=
> =20
> can right click and move them, but kicker behaves as if a new icon is=20
> being added instead of an old one being moved. the old one moves well=20
> enough, but everything on the right -- task list, spelling applet,=20
> calendar, gets squashed farther to the right. so i have blank space in the=
> =20
> icon section and the applets and such are all squashed together.
> so, is there a configuration option that lets me drag everything back to=20
> where it should be?
> thanks very much.
> --=20
> dep
> Some pictures:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I've encountered this as well.
I usually just relock kicker and start again.
If that doesn't work I log in again, that usually fixes it.
I suspect small gnomes are living in my computers.
I would like everyone's opinion on this.
I'm trying figure out the benefits of either staying with the LTS kernel or
with the lastest kernel. The machines are every day use and stability is
Am I tossing away any benefits, of the latest kernel, if I use the 4.8x/9x
kernel. Or do the benefits of the 5.1x kernel out weigh any instability?
I'd like all schools of thought.
Thanks in advance,
> On 06/13/2019 02:56 AM, BorgLabs - Kate Draven wrote:
> > HI
> >=20
> > I would like everyone's opinion on this.
> >=20
> > I'm trying figure out the benefits of either staying with the LTS kerne=
> l or=20
> > with the lastest kernel. The machines are every day use and stability i=
> s=20
> > important.=20
> >=20
> > Am I tossing away any benefits, of the latest kernel, if I use the 4.8x=
> /9x=20
> > kernel. Or do the benefits of the 5.1x kernel out weigh any instability=
> ?=20
> >=20
> > I'd like all schools of thought.
> >=20
> > Thanks in advance,
> >=20
> > Kate
> Kate,
> Unless you have super-new bleeding-edge hardware that needs a new featu=
> re
> added in 5.1 that is not available in previous versions -- then 5.1 provi=
> des
> absolutely no benefit. Any tweak that 5.1 provided to help with Spectre
> performance mitigation, etc.. will likely be backported and in a LTS kern=
> el.
> I have Arch (that always runs the current upstream version of the kerne=
> l,
> 5.1.9 currently), and Arch also provides an LTS kernel using 4.19. I have=
> a
> SuSE leap 42.3 install running the 4.4 kernel, SuSE leap 15.0/15.1 instal=
> ls
> with the 4.12 version, I have a Pi running Debian/jessie with the 4.9 ARM
> kernel, and from a general computing/feature/functionality standpoint, it
> makes no difference.
> Now if you have bleeding-edge hardware that is only supported in the la=
> test
> greatest kernel -- then yes, there is a difference, otherwise you won't k=
> now
> the difference.
> --=20
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks David,
This is my thinking as well. I have no real bleeding edge tech, I tend to stay
away from it. Just wanted to challenge me decision , in case I was wrong.
First, I haven't figured out how to get t-bird to quote, or even to
reply to a list posting, so this is all by had, I can't even get
copy/paste to work.
Dr Klepp asked which system:
This is the same old asus box, in the house that ran wheezy for years,
but now has an uptodate stretch amd64 install. At least I think its
uptodate, they've made it almost impossible to run synaptic now,
I ran, late yesterday about 3 full cycles of memtest, no errors.
The main problems withkmail seem to be related to index files getting
out of whack and I have restored it by stopping kmail, deleting the
index files for the folder thats crashing, and restarting kmail --sync.
Leave it alone for an hour or so and it will rebuild the index files
again. But its in trouble again if I delete or move a file to the spam
And running it from a shell, to get that debugging output, when did
kmail become dependent on N-M, as pasted from tht shell:
ene@coyote:~$ kmail --sync
[TDE NM Backend ERROR]
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files
[TDE NM Backend ERROR]
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files
[TDE NM Backend ERROR]
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files
kmail: WARNING: readFolderIds(): Found serial number zero at index 38 in
folder /home/gene/Mail/.briarpatch.index.ids
ASSERT: "msn != 0" in
/build/buildd/tdepim-trinity-14.0.6/kmail/kmmsgdict.cpp (468)
kmail: WARNING: writeFolderIds(): Serial number of message at index 0 is
zero in folder coco
kmail: WARNING: writeFolderIds(): Serial number of message at index 0 is
zero in folder coco
gene@coyote:~$ WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 1) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 2) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 3) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 4) suspended.
kmail: WARNING: Attempt to reference invalid serial number 15648
kmail: WARNING: Attempt to reference invalid serial number 15649
*** KMail got signal 11 (Crashing)
[kcrash] TDECrash: Application 'kmail' crashing...
Thats one session of kmail, lasted maybe 10 seconds before I clicked on
something and crashed it again.
As you can see, its fussing about the coco list folder, which is the
parent of around 17 subfolders named ack the year of each ones messages.
Starting year is 2002, goes on to 2018 with the parent folder now
containing the 2019 messages. If kmail survives the year, those will
get moved to a 2019 folder. If it survives, its being a pita and I am
just now learning how to use both t-bird and imap.
Do you have any ideas? I'm all ears. Thanks Nik.
Hi Gene!
(This is not directly a TDE question, so it might be of no interest to a lot of readers, but anyway ...)
If I recall correctly, you have mentioned somewhere that you have a RPi + TDE + 7i90HD running. Yesterday a 7i960HD ended up on my desk. Now I want to build a new CNC with RPi + TDE + 7i90HD, but I am stuck at how to flash the correct firmware to the card. I understand that I need mesaflash to flash 7i90_spi_svst4_8.bit ( from a pc via what? Centronics cable? Do you have a link to the needed cables? And maybe a working linuxcnc configuration?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
> On Thursday 13 June 2019 03:04:44 am Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> > Anno domini 2019 Thu, 13 Jun 03:56:13 -0400
> >
> > BorgLabs - Kate Draven scripsit:
> > > HI
> > >
> > > I would like everyone's opinion on this.
> > >
> > > I'm trying figure out the benefits of either staying with the LTS kernel
> > > or with the lastest kernel. The machines are every day use and stability
> > > is important.
> > >
> > > Am I tossing away any benefits, of the latest kernel, if I use the
> > > 4.8x/9x kernel. Or do the benefits of the 5.1x kernel out weigh any
> > > instability?
> > >
> > > I'd like all schools of thought.
> >
> > Just my 2=A2: If you are not running into any issue with the old/stable
> > kernel, why change? Is somthing in 5.XX, that you miss now? You might get
> > bitten by something like the thinkpad_acpi-spaming-dmesg-issue as happened
> > to me. Is the 5.XX packaged with your distribution? If not, then I would
> > not do it (well, I maybe would on my testmachine, but not on something
> > that's not in my instant reach).
> >
> > Nik
> I agree with Nik, unless there is some burning reason I need the latest and=
> =20
> greatest (5.x), then for anything resembling 'production' use, I stick with=
> a=20
> proven LTS. I consider whatever I run my email on as 'production' use, as =
> it=20
> has all my business correspondence on it...
> On the other hand, if you can legitimately lose everything and have the tim=
> e=20
> to restore backups, then it is fun to be running the latest and greatest...
> Best Kate,
> Michael
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you Michael,
The logic is sound. Again something I've leaned toward but I wanted to make
sure I wasn't making a mistake.
Again, the beauty of the community,
Hello all,
It's not a Trinity problem (although it happens in kmail), but as I
know there are some experienced people on this list, maybe someone can
give me a hint.
Since yesterday I can't connect kmail to my main mail server (the
server of my own website). I can't send either, I can't connect to the
website, I can't connect to it's cpanel, I can't ftp either.
I *can* connect to the internet, I get mail from another website, it's
really only "my" website.
I use spamdrain as spamfilter and spamdrain can access my mail. So
does gmail. My handphone can read my mail over data from the very same
pop3 server.
The provider says from his point of vue everything is working. I've
reset the modem and the router. It's not my machine as every machine
on my local network has the problem.
What, on my local network, could block access to only my website (the
provider's site is accessible)? Firewall is activated but nothing has
been changed yesterday.
The fact that only *one* site is having problem makes me think the
problem is at the hosting site, but...
I'm really puzzled.