As many, I receive many spams.
Kmail has a 2 filters :
"Filter configuration" and "pop filter configuration"
Which is the difference ?
For some mails, I want to delete them.
This option does'nt seem possible,
only to put them in the trash or another folder,
and deleting them after manually.
So, is it possible to delete these mails without
to put them before in the trash ?
Thanks, regards,
Greetings folks;
I have had a loooong list of all caps strings at the top of my filter
list for years. But recently the filter has been changed to apparently
be caseless.
But I've had to pick quite a few messages back out of the spam folder and
put them where they should go by hand.
Then one of those lists is in the runup to a new release, and the subject
line has included the word planning which now is firing on the ANNI rule
so it get moved to thespam folder. As I've played with the filter rules
trying to fix this without knowing it had become case insensitive, I've
been highlighting the message and hitting ctl+j, which is supposed to
apply the filters again, but the messages so treated to the ctl+j are
now being deleted! So I've apparently lost forever, around 10 messages
from a very important to me, list before I started the filter log viewer
to see what was going on.
Can you please put back the case sensitivity?
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
I've checked all the font settings I can tihnk of. Everything is set to at
least 28 or 32 as I am on a 4k screen.
Everything works as expected in other desktop environments. This occurs on
CentOS and Ubuntu, and I am at a loss to explain it.
Matt `da Wolf
To all those who say new KDE3/TDE content is dead...
I says "Bah-Humbug!"
Here is a matched set of kdm / ksplash widescreen themes. (or tdm / tsplash, I
can't keep up...) The kspash theme requires the moodin ksplash engine which is
available by default.
KDEglass widescreen kdm theme
KDEglass widescreen ksplash (moodin engine)
When you download, they are damn .zip files because deviantart will not allow
you to save as .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 (sheeze you think by now they would have
grown up)
So, download to a folder, switch to the folder and:
unzip kdeglass_moodin.zip
tar -cjf kdeglass_moodin.tar.bz2 kdeglass_moodin
unzip kdeglass_kdm-1.0.zip
tar -cjf kdeglass_kdm-1.0.tar.bz2 kdeglass_kdm
Then both can be added through kde control center, Appearance->ksplash "Add"
and the same for kdmtheme.
You can also install manually. Enjoy. Let me know if something doesn't work,
and I'll tweak it. They are working fine here.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
a recent update has left me without the sleep and hibernate buttons on
logout. I get a message instead:
warning: suspend to ram disabled by administrator
I can't seem to find any config file for this.
Suspend still works when invoked from the console.
Any hints on how to get this back?
Maybe the better question would be does anyone here have any users using POTS and
WINE, and if so, on which distro? I haven't haven't suffered POTS or known more
than one who has in close to 20 years. The one who has is the owner of the target.
He has zero competence in computer setup or maintenance, historically struggling
to do much more with internet than collect Windows malware. His email is Juno.
Absent a suggestion backed by recent experience with POTS and WINE, I'll be
choosing between Mageia, openSUSE and Debian.
Target is a Vaio laptop (not mine) with 2.2GHz dual core with 2GB RAM and GM965
14" 1280x800 video. I have an openSUSE maintenance installation (only IceWM for X)
on it now, which will stay.
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of the new TDE Weblate Translation
Workspace (TWTW) collaboration tool, which allows users to easily
translate TDE strings into their languages and contribute to improve the
quality of the TDE translations.
TWTW is a self-hosted instance of Weblate designed to manage TDE
translations. It is tightly integrated with TDE Gitea Workspace (TGW) and
* a simple and clean user interface for working on translations
* integrated quality checks of translations
* displaying of referenced source files in TGW
* retrieving translations and templates from TGW
* automatic updating of translations according to the templates
* automated committing of translations back into TGW
* proper crediting of translators in commit messages
* consistent updating of strings from both stable and development branches
Thanks to TWTW users can simply focus on the translation work without
having to worry about how to get the translation template files, how to
update them and how to send their changes back to developers. Even users
without any coding knowledge will be able to successfully contribute to
improve translation strings and make TDE an even better environment.
Read more about TWTW and how to use it on the wiki
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/TDE_Weblate_Translation_Workspace and
access the workspace at https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/weblate .
My newly installed stretch/tde logs are being heavily spammed by a task
called hpfax.
And synaptic says its not installed.
I'm looking for a showstopper that fails hid-common , requiring a front
panel reset button reboot, 3x in the last 30 or so hours.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
"ld.so: object '/opt/trinity/lib/kgtk/libkgtk2.so' from LD_PRELOAD
cannot be preloaded"
all over the place. just did a dist-upgrade.
had to remove 'kgtk-qt3-trinity' which is normal procedure around
here. I have obviously missed a step. the directory
does not exist. where do I find this bad boy invoked?
thank you for any advice!
Felmon Davis