Perhaps it's just me but the bandwidth for
seems errr.... challenged? :-)
I've just done an apt-get update and I'm seeing download speeds of a few
10's of kB from and and estimated time of hours.
This seems to be the norm and not network congestion at my end as the
stuff from the debian repositories in the same 'apt-get run' came down
the pipe at normal speeds.
Is there a mirror that might be better connected? I've looked at the
mirrors listed on but they
don't seem to have slavek's stuff.
If there isn't a mirror.... I have capacity on a server in a datacenter
in Germany and could host a mirror (the server in question is a backup
and just sits there ticking over 99.99% of the time).
| Russell Brown | MAIL: russell(a) PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems | WWW Work: |
| Peterborough, England | WWW Play: |
On Thursday 17 January 2013 12:28:30 pm you wrote:
> On 01/17/2013 12:42 PM, Timothy Pearson wrote:
> > Best workaround for 3.5.13.x would be to install nm-applet. As
> > Slavek mentioned, native NetworkManager 0.9+ support has been
> > written and is currently in testing for R14.0.0.
> The problem is, I have NO network connection, wired or wireless, so
> can't install anything. I need to get a network connection first.
> On 01/17/2013 12:51 PM, Slávek Banko wrote:
> > I suppose it should work as in normal Debian. It should suffice
> > write to /etc/network/interfaces:
> >
> > allow-hotplug eth0
> > iface eth0 inet dhcp
> There is neither allow-hotplug nor iface on the live CD.
This is the live cd /etc/network.interfaces file here.
Covers all the potential interfaces. Are the appropriate modules loaded
for your nic, firmware on latest Debin is separate, not sure about
Try 'dhclient eth0' or other interfaces ,to see what happens.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
auto ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
Greg Madden
Precision Air Balance, Inc.
Phone: (907)276-0461
I was wondering if there is anything happening in terms of updating Trinity translations? Slavek,
you mentioned that this will be one of the tasks after releasing I'd like to help with
Polish translation.
Hi all,
I just ran into a bad problem with kdesktop-trinity on wheezy. After "apt-get
dist-upgrade" I had no working tde anymore. binutils<2.20.2 are required, but
wheezy has since some weeks 2.22-7.1, which shows up in the middle of the
upgrade process :-(
Ok, I modified "kdesktop-trinity" to accept binutils <2.30.2 and finished
installation. However, my session came up as usually but right after
initialization it shut down again.
Looking closer I found only "kdesktop_lock" is linked to "libbfd-2.20.1" which
comes from binutils-2.20.1. Replacing "kdesktop_lock" with a stub brought up
TDE as expected.
Did anybody else run into that problem, too?
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 23:26:56 +0100 Slavek wrote
>Based on previous research, I prepared update for all packages using xine -
>amarok, kaffeine, kdemultimedia, kmplayer. In the distributions containing
>xine 1.2 are now built against xine 1.2 - Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu Precise and
>Quantal. Packages are already in my PPA. Who of you can, please test it. :)
this is my first mail so hope it works.
I'm running Davids live-cd installed to my hard drive. Amarok, kaffine
and kmplayer
all work no problems.very smooth system. think I'll keep this one.
You guys really have done yourselves proud. D avid i have run your squeezy cd
but this wheezy is a gem thank you.
I'd like to run trinity parts, at least kpdf, on a machine where I
have no admin privileges (it is a Debian Squeeze and runs gnome2). So
far, I've:
1. downloaded the following packages:
2. extracted them using =dpkg-deb -x=: this creates ./usr,
./opt/trinity, etc.
3. tryed to run kpdf:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(find opt/trinity/lib usr/lib -type d | xargs echo |
sed "s; ;:;g") opt/trinity/bin/kpdf
this sets
In the end, kpdf is running but:
1. I throws many errors a start time:
1. complains about dcop server being absent: can I skip this? I
found nothing relevant in the kpdf man page
2. could not find mime type "application octet-stream", seems to
be related to
3. then says "no mime types installed"
2. file and edit menus have "No text!" names. I guess I can figure
out why because kpdf is missing its files (i.e., there's no
/opt/trinity/share/apps/kpdfpart/part.rc et al. in the kpdf
scope), but I don't know how to fix it. Note that I copied
I'd be glad if someone has the willing to help me polishing this! I
really miss kpdf at work!
Thank you,
PS: Would it be possible to install and run parts of trinity from a
fakeroot env?
Hi All,
Can someone tell me how to check, from TDE, if there are new packages
available for updating (especially XWindows)? I only see the
hermetic "kpackage" in my installation.
Should I go in gnome to check-update packages?
thank you
Hi All,
If I lauch GE from a Konsol, it gives:
/opt/google/earth/free/google-earth: ./googleearth-bin: /lib/
bad ELF interpreter: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
During some previous installation tryes, I sow that the problem was
coming from a library requested by a component of Trinity. Can someone tell
me, please, how to do to be able to run Google Earth, while using TDE as
windows manager?
Thank you
Hi All,
I think that there is a problem while expanding sélection of files in
Konqueror. Ctrl+"left"click add the clicked file, Shift+"left"click expends
the sélection with all the files between the previously clicked file to the
clicked file.
It should work like in the mails section of the main KMail window,
should'nt it? So, is it settable feature or a bug?
Thank you