Hi everyone!
I wanted to share 2 icon themes for updating the look of TDE:
-Crystal SVG Updated
This icon theme comes from PCLOS MiniME 2008 (KDE 3.5.x). I don't know if it is an official update of the old Crystal SVG or a theme made by the PCLOS team, but it is a more modern version of it.
-Oxygen for KDE3
This is the theme used in my PCLinuxOS TDE non-official remaster. It comes from kde-look.org
I personally think that keeping the old Crystal SVG theme as the default theme is not
good for the TDE project. The people who haven't used TDE will think that it is always the same old project as KDE3. It just looks too old and of course, the more actual Oxygen icon theme will go this way one day or another, but as of now, I think that it would be a good idea for TDE to use Oxygen or another icon theme, at least this updated version of Crystal SVG.
The same idea goes with the general theme. We aren't used to the
''vanilla KDE 3.5.10'' these days. Themes with big lines separating GUI
elements aren't used anymore and even during the KDE 3.5.x days, almost
no distros used the default theme.
This is just my personal opinion...
Hi All,
- having downloaded Google Chrome in the local french directory named
- entered Alt+F2 + "kdesu kpackage" + pw (selinux disabled),
- Ctrl+O to sélect the downloaded file,
- clicked on the "Install" button, in the newly open window
titled "Install - KPackage"
I got this message:
<ts/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm';echo RESULT=$?
erreur: échec de l'ouverture de ///home/user/T�l�
chargements/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm: Aucun fichier ou
dossier de ce type
It is a bug, of course. Then, after having moved the file in the ~
directory, I have got
</home/user/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm';echo RESULT=$?
attention: ///home/user/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm: Entête V4
DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 7fac5991: NOKEY
erreur: Dépendances requises:
lsb >= 4.0 est nécessaire pour
I did install doing "yum install lsb" in a root console, first.
Could you tell mi, please, how to get a functionnel khelpcenter ?
Thank you
Hi All,
The KMix window offers VIA8237 or PulseAudio as mixer in a popup menu.
The default value is PulseAudio. How can I fix it to VIA8237 by default,
Thank you
The main problem at the moment is that I cannot set up KMail because I can't
get at the bottom of the window. :-(
It is the first time that I have used dvi-d and the Iiyama Prolite E431S has
heretofore been recognised well in VGA.
I obviously need an x-org file, but am not sure how to achieve this at this
TDE on Squeeze, just finished installing and am trying to set it up.
NVIDIA GTX 650Ti 1GB Graphics Card.
Nouveau is installed.
As a pro-tem measure, can anyone remind me how to move a window above the top
of the monitor so that I can get at the bottom and click "apply"? :-(
Happy New Year to all
Thank you, Slavek, for this beautiful Christmas gift that was
the "tde-". Everyone will have
read some bitterness in my reports on the using TDE / Fedora17. I only have
good things to say (until now) on installing from the CD Trinity and its
operation, until the closing session window, with it's TDE icone! I even
thought that I would start my everyday "Oss 11.1" with the Grub freshly
installed! But that dream was too deep!
So no screen definition problem / unstability ( /-: but I have booted
only once). I will probably inhibit SeLinux as soon as possible.
With Fedora, things have been much improved after the system updates.
But with Ubuntu-12/TDE, I have not found the graphical update tools, the
name of which I've forgotten, in the "10.10 TDE enterprise". It seems to me
that there were several of these tools. Do I have to do these updates,
before continuing migration?
Thank you, Slavek, for working on TDE.
Oups: Sent yestuday to trinity-announce at lists.pearsoncomputing.net
My apologies! I had to use Yahoo's web mail for my previous post and I'm not sure the quoting worked as well as it should have. I think Yahoo mail favors Microsoft's top posting scheme.
Happy New Year, all!
A few months ago I saw that it was possible to put text with the icons on the
KMail toolbar and breathed a sigh of relief. I could at last move my husband
from Icedove (Thunderbird) to KMail, without being cruel to him, and my life
would get a whole lot easier. I could finally have him on Maildir not Mbox
and could remove the viruses he loves downloading, without destroying half
his email. He downloads viruses with gay abandon, and whilst they do not
hurt him, he has Windows using friends.
I am about to set his new computer up. I am looking at things on my computer
to refresh my memory. And the text has disappeared again! I am really sad
about this. Does anyone know where it has disappeared to or where I ought to
be looking? I hope that the problem is PEBKAC, and thus easily solved with
your help. It is KMail 1.9.10 on TDE
Please help! I can't face another eternity of trying to protect his friends
from viruses on Icedove. I tend to get cowardly and not run a virus
check. :-( I have Googled and Googled. I have been Googling for a week or
two. :-(
He is away, and I want to have it set up properly for him when he gets home on
P.S. I once found seven little .exe files sitting in his home directory doing
nothing!! They were easy to delete. :-)
Since installing the recent update to FF 16.0.2, I have been having
constant issues. Sometimes as often as 3-4 times a day (other times it
works ok for a couple of days at a time), FF will appear as though it
has lost all access to the internet. Any tabs that I try to reload will
just sit there and spin. 'Top' does not show any processes running out
of control, and if I close and restart FF, everything works normally.
I have not noticed any pattern to the sites I'm visiting when it stops
working. It does not appear to be related to flash content, and
sometimes I come back to my computer to see it stuck trying to reload a
page, so it appears to lose its connection even when not being actively
used. I do not have any proxies or other special setting for my network
- it's just a straight connection to the local LAN. I had assumed it
was just my computer, but today my wife informed me that she has also
been having the same problems for the past week. Both systems are
running Ubuntu 11.04 (natty), and all updates have been applied.
I can't really work from a new profile because I need my bookmarks and
plugins for daily work, and as I mentioned this problem does not
immediately show up. However if anyone has other suggestions that I
could look into, or if you have run across any other threads from people
having similar problems, please let me know.