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On Tuesday 29 June 2021 02:28:07 pm Mavridis Philippe wrote:
> There is no way that such a small team be able to
> compete with giants like Google and... ehh... Google.
AFAIK both DuckDuckGo and Startpage use Google for the actual search engine?
Bing’s results are way weird.
Are there any [reliable] search engines other than Google’s?
Good morning everybody =)
I'd like to ask, does anyone *actually* use Konqueror to regularly
browse the internet? I have used no better file manager than Konqueror
but the web aspect seems to be hindered. I don't think its a fault of
Konqueror itself but the way web design has changed. You can test this
yourself by using (an early web design search engine) and
looking at sites indexed on it. These usually display fine in Konqueror,
but when you go to a modern website like DuckDuckGo for example it
doesn't display properly at all. It's a bummer since Konqueror is one of
the hallmarks of TDE for me, although I don't know much about the web
browser (KHTML) aspect I believe its integrated into some Trinity
applications which is a really nice feature. I first really thought of
this when I used KlamAV's virus browser function (which I assume is
using KHTML integrated) but Trend Micro website (being that it's likely
changed a lot) doesn't display properly.
For the time being I'm using SeaMonkey since my usual browser, Pale
Moon, does not take too kindly to *BSD.. And since it's a suite with a
mail client as well I'm not using Kmail. I might switch to Firefox, but
if there is any way to use Konqueror I would love to. There's so many
options that far outweigh most dedicated web browsers such as its
adblock filters and the ability to disable JavaScript which gets rid of
any need for an add-on like uBlock Origin. I completely understand that
working on it to display modern web pages is probably too difficult
since Trinity's KHTML/Konqueror is older, this is just me dreaming here.
Ideally I'd like to be able to make full use of a TDE web browser and
the applications that work with it =)
- Hunter aka hunter0one
Upon clikcing on "Log Out..." I am presented with various choices. I am
confused which one correpsonds to hibernate (suspend to disk). Is it
"Freeze Computer" or "Suspend Computer"? What I need is the memory to be
written to the swap partition of the disk and power turned off. In other
words, which one of these calls `systemctl hibernate`, or is a different
mechanism used?
I had to fiddle with /etc/systemd/sleep.conf and add:
to make hibernation work correctly. Suspend to RAM (often also called
"Sleep") makes the laptop hang, so I need to avoid it (unless I find a
Gianluca Interlandi, PhD gianluca(a)
+1 (206) 685 4435
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington, Seattle WA U.S.A.
Hi all!
Could anybody tell me where /opt/trinity/share/apps/imagerotation/ and /opt/trinity/share/apps/imagerotation/ are used?
The only reference I found was in /opt/trinity/bin/jpegorient which by itself is referenced in /opt/trinity/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/jpegorient.desktop ... but the defined "rotate" operation is not to be found anywhere in konqueror, neither in the context menu of a jpg file nor in the properties dialog.
These 4 files are the only reason for python2.7 on my system and I do not see why it's actually needed any more.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
Hi all!
Is there a way to persuade keditbookmarks to use the default browser instead of konqueror?
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA, CIA ...
This is not a request for help, but rather, a note of information for
the development team; especially for the Debian/Buster version of the
code. I am running Debian/Buster/10.10 stable release. Just today, upon
encouragement from my son (who is also a Linux advocate), I updated my
kernel and nvidia driver to the latest version now offered through the
debian/buster-backports portal. This brought the kernel from v4.19 to
v5.10, and the nvidia driver from 418.197 to 460.73.
This turned out to be a significant improvement for using TDE and my
machine in general. In particular, the memory management is much
cleaner, and the response of the entire system system much quicker. So
far, everything seems to work much better.
I might suggest you give this a try. I have been most impressed !
James D. Freels, Ph.D., P.E.
865-457-6742 (landline)
865-919-0320 (cell)
Greets, folks . . .
This is a weird one. I unfortunately have the RAW-handling photo
application LightZone as forst in my RAW file association, so when I
accidentally clicked on a RAW file today it opened. (It didn't open that
file, btw, because LightZone is flaky and opens what it had open the last
time it was run, just one of several reasons I really don't like it.) I
tried to close LightZone, but it wouldn't close. I did 'killall
lightzone', but nope, still there. Mouse arrow turns to
point-left-horizontally when I enter the window. Top reports no LightZone
processes running. I have deleted LightZone and its configuration files.
Still no joy.
I have a *huge* file copy underway -- should take the next 10 hours or so.
So I'd just as soon not reboot.
Oddly, I can still moved the window around, maximize it, minimize it --
just not close it entirely. It seems to have just enough aslive that I
can't get a "window not responding" error. Nothing inside the window,
which is to say in the program itself, responds at all.
Whatcha think?
Any idea how to kill it?
I've never encountered such a thing before.