On Friday 26 July 2019 17:37:16 Jan Stolarek wrote:
I can confirm
that. The (apparently only) way to fix it is quit that
tab and open a new one.
You can also switch to a different pane and then back to the original
pane - the screen is then redrawn properly. At least that's what
happens for me.
Doesn't work here.
Most annoying, this also happens when working in Emacs
inside Tmux,
e.g. C-l results in garbage being drawn in the current window - but
only if there are no windows vertically next to each other! So it
looks like any kind of bulk redrawing of full lines does not work.
It also seems to affect keyboard decoding. But a normal keyboard is
re-obtained by closing that tab, and opening a new one.
So we may be looking at two different konsole bugs.
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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