On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 06:54:29AM -0500, Patrick
Serru wrote:
> Hello all,
> ...
> My question is: OpenSuse is now made so low that I MUST DROP this
> distribution.
> Direct me to what?
Le jeudi 15 novembre 2012, vous avez écrit :
Hi Patrick!
Can you join the #suse irc channel on irc.opensuse.org?
We'll get you going!
Le jeudi 15 novembre 2012, Mark S Bilk a écrit :
OpenSuse, in version 12.2, still offers and supports
you very much, Mark, but the decision is made: I drop OSS.
Trinity seems to have a brighter future than KDE3**. I would go back if the
development team released a OSS version 10.4 with KDE3.5.12 (12 or more)...
Saw the leaders of the KDE team, this is not possible **without a murder or
two! It would be a little spit on Trinity, which the development team will
certainly expand, I guess.
Thank you for the offer, Mark, it's nice of you.