I just installed tde-pclinux on a netbook and I am
quite impressed!
Thank you very much!
for one thing, I've been having trouble getting
the mic on skype to
work on various installs on this netbook (Aspire ONe 725-0802). I did
get it to go in two or so versions of tde after significant struggle,
in some others, not yet. but it works fine in netrunner and now I
discover no problem with tde-pclinux!
there are other goodies here but a couple of questions:
(a) the main one is the windows and panel don't seem to have borders.
I'm using kde-classic; how can I have distinct borders?
I think that the problem is just the color scheme I used to make the windows
borders the same color as the grey of the
windows, to give a more kde-like theme. Changing the color theme in the TDE control center
should give the result you wants.
(b) secondarily, there is a lot of software here,
which is cool but I
want to remove a lot of it. specifically, is there a way to remove all
the games and edutainment all at once?
Go in Synaptic, (the 5th icon from the right on the panel, if I know how to
count...), wait forever for Synaptic to load its
packages lists, click on any package in the list and type trinity. All the TDE packages
starts by trinity and you can remove the ones you don't want. Right-click on a package
you don't want and click on remove. For some reasons, some packages that looks like
they shouldn't have dependencies on all TDE.
Also, one thing to note is that these games and edutainment packages doesn't take that
much disk space. I know that that it all adds up to make something bigger, but it might be
kept without loosing that much disk space, especially on a regular HDD.
(c) I'm basically an apt-get person, long while
since I've rpm-ed;
evidently one can use apt-get which I would like to stick to using.
any concerns here in the long run? should I go back to rpm?
PCLinuxOS uses apt-get and Synaptic, with back-ends for RPMs. I personally prefer
to use Synaptic, because it's a graphic tool, but if you follow the instructions given
in the web page that appeared when you booted your PCLinuxOS system for the first time, it
will be okay to use apt-get in text mode.
If you want to look back at this file, go in the ''Trinity TDE'' folder in
your ''home'' folder and in the ''First boot'' folder,
you'll find the instructions. Here is what concerns using apt-get in text-mode on
''DO NOT USE apt-get update and apt-get upgrade from the command line. This has
never been the recommended way. If you insist on using command line, the correct procedure
is apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.
Have fun with my PCLinuxOS non-official TDE remaster!