On Tuesday 14 February 2012 06:25:35 pm Timothy Pearson wrote:
On Tuesday 14
February 2012 00:02:12 Timothy Pearson wrote:
Any way
to do it?
Got an Android, would like to sync KOrganzier dates with its internal
You should be able to sync to Google's servers as long as they use
standard protocols such as CardDAV and CalDAV. I was the one that
implemented those handlers, so if they don't work with Google please let
me know ASAP!
Umm... actually I don't even know to make Korganizer access online
*at all* and wouldn't even know how to point it at my gmail's calendar...
The manual doesn't really help either.
Pointers appreciated.
OK, sorry about that. :-)
Go to Kontact-->Calendar. You will see a small box in the lower left hand
corner of the screen, probably with a "Default" entry in it. This is the
resources list. Click on the plus sign right above that box, and select
"CalDAV Server", then click OK. Fill in the information requested and
click OK again, then select your new resource in the resources list.
CalDAV seems broken on 3.5.13 (it crashes both KOrganizer and Kontact). I remember seeing
this in the bug tracker, I can pull up which bug number.
I managed to get it to download my Google Calendar using "Calendar in Remote
File" instead. Unfortunately, I can't upload anything, but I'm not usually
near computer when I need to add something (that's what my Android's calendar app
is for ;-) ).
If CalDAV doesn't work for you, here is how I did it:
To get the remote file, log in to your Google Calendar and go to your Calendar settings.
Click on the "Calendars" tab, and click the calendar you want to sync. Near the
bottom and to the left, you should see "Private Address". Just to the right of
that, you should see buttons labeled "XML" and "ICAL". If they
aren't there for your "Private Address", click the "Reset Private
URLs" link, and they should appear (this will, unfortunately disable the old ones if
you were using them). Right-click the ICAL button and choose "Copy Link
Location" (or whatever your browser calls it).
In KOrganizer/Kontact Calendar, click the + sign as Tim indicated, but instead of
"CalDAV", choose "Calendar in Remote File". Past the URL you copied
into "Download From". You can also paste it in "Upload To" and do a
test to see if it will let you add stuff, but I doubt this will work. Fill in the
"Name" box (e.g. "Google Calendar" or something similar), and if
desired, set the "Automatic Reload". Click "Ok". Within ~30 seconds
(depending on your Internet connection), you should see the days you have appointments on
turning bold in all the calendars at the top of Kontact/Korganizer. When you click one of
these days, you should see all the appointments for that day.
Kris Gamrat
Ark Linux webmaster