  • 20 participants
  • 4180 discussions

TDE & conky
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
5 years, 9 months

Removing multiple partitions from a USB stick.
by Baron
5 years, 9 months

Problem with starting arduino ide (from devel to user)
by MLR
5 years, 9 months

switching from gnome to tde on stretch, what do I edit?
by Gene Heskett
5 years, 9 months

back on wheezy 2 problems w/stretch
by Gene Heskett
5 years, 9 months

kmail has become essentially unusable
by Gene Heskett
5 years, 9 months

[trinity-users] Fedora - where is default xsession configured?
by Felix Miata
5 years, 9 months

smb://xxxx problem
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
5 years, 9 months

folder problen in kmail
by Gene Heskett
5 years, 9 months

[trinity-users] any suggestions for migrant from windows/quickbooks?
by Felix Miata
5 years, 9 months
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