  • 20 participants
  • 4181 discussions

5 years, 11 months

Random xorg & kernel errors, keep logging me out of TDE, and power management wonky
by Hawke Robinson
5 years, 11 months

Re: Re: [trinity-users] WYSIWYG HTML editor that outputs clean HTML code?
by Kate Draven
5 years, 11 months

Re: [trinity-users] WYSIWYG HTML editor that outputs clean HTML code?
by Kate Draven
5 years, 11 months

kmail 14.0.6 misinterpreting settings?
by Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
5 years, 11 months

Lost the ability to split screen in konqueror
by Marvin Jones via trinity-users
5 years, 11 months

Issues with SHIFT-ALT-TAB on R14.0.5
by Michael
5 years, 11 months

removing stuff that's not trinity
by dep
5 years, 11 months

kmail, next update request?
by Gene Heskett
5 years, 12 months

kmail weirdness
by dep
5 years, 12 months
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