On 05/06/2018 11:13 AM, trinity-users-help(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net wrote:
> Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
> trinity-users(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net mailing list.
> I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
> at trinity-users-owner(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net.
> I haven't checked whether your address is currently on the mailing list.
> To see what address you used to subscribe, look at the messages you are
> receiving from the mailing list. Each message has your address hidden
> inside its return path; for example, mary(a)example.com receives
> messages with return path:
> <trinity-users-return-<number>-mary=example.com(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net.
> Some mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. If you
> cannot reply to this request, instead send a message to
> <trinity-users-request(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net> and put the entire address listed above
> into the "Subject:" line.
> or for the digest to:
> <trinity-users-digest-unsubscribe(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
> For addition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation
> message to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it
> to complete the transaction.
> If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,
> please send a message to:
> <trinity-users-owner(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net>
> Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact
> to make it easier to help you.
> --- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.
> Return-Path: <DegVE(a)yandex.ru>
> Received: (qmail 15792 invoked by uid 64014); 6 May 2018 03:13:47 -0500
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for some reason, after having worked as i wanted it to work for a very long time, clicking on a link in email no longer brings up opera or firefox but instead konqueror. konqueror is not my very favorite (as a browser). I cannot figure out why it is suddenly doing this. i've moved it to bottom in all the html file associations, but there it is. is there some place else i should make a change? firefox reports, as it should, that it is my default browser.
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quoth Felix Miata:
|xorg is a meta-package. You should be able to remove it without affecting TDE or
|Xorg operation.
So I can safely go ahead and let all the stuff get deleted and it won't affect the operation of TDE? (The list I posted earlier?)
What puzzles me is why none of this stuff appears in autoremove or remove lists otherwise.
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my little project thinkpad x200 now sports debian stretch and X; what it doesn't have is TDE. my line in /etc/apt/sources.list is:
/debian stretch deps-r14 main-r14
(and of course the deb-src line as well.)
i've imported the gpg key apparently uneventfully. running apt-get update seems to do as it should, though it throws an "ign" for each of the trinity indices (i didn't follow it closely the first time i ran it, so this isn't necessarily unexpected).
but sudo apt-get install tde-trinity renders an unable to find package error. aptitude likewise says it can't find tde-trinity.
i'm clearly erring somewhere, but do not know where. how do i get the preliminary stable build onto the machine?
thanks in advance.
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> William Morder wrote:
> > Everybody talks about encryption, but not many actually use it. And you
> > can see why here: because encrypting all alone is like having sex all
> > alone. Unless you do it together with others, it's just wanking.
Oooh kay then....
to test some of the things offered here the last couple of days i just now tried on my testbed thinkpad laptop to upgrade from ubuntu-14.04 to 16.04 by changinf all the references in sources.list from "trusty" to "xenial." then did an apt-get dist-upgrade.
the result isn't pretty. in fact, it won't even boot, though it makes an heroic effort.
i figured that inasmuch as i'm going to have to do something fairly drastic now anyway, i'd switch to a current debian with tde -- having extra desktops around is just annoying. but looking on the liveCDs page i see ubuntu and PCLOS and some others, but no debian.
does anyone here know of current debian-tde live CDs anyplace?
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Hi, I have two questions.
First: how can I enable scrolling text in tde console using the mouse
wheel? I did not find the necessary parameters in the configuration.
The second question: I would like to change the display of the date
and time in the system tray. By default, the left is the time, on the
right is the date, how can I change their places
best regards, Oleg Levenets.
It seems that markdown has become the new darling of the technical writers.
Is there a markup parser that's compatible with Konqueror? Would it have to
be written in JavaScript, or can other languages be made to work? I see that
the original markdown parser was written in perl.
If there is such an animal that will work with Konqueror, how does one
install it?
said deloptes:
|You need to be more explicit, there re, or were, 2 different versions of
|TDE, I jumped straight to R14.0.0.1 originally, and never looked back,
|currently at R14.0.5. So I don't recall the other version offered.
okay, let's take it from the top. i ran kde from the last beta before kde 1.0, almost 20 years ago. beginning with 4.0, the kde project went in my estimation all flaky, so i stuck with 3.5.x until i was happy to learn of tde, which i have used since then in its verious versions. i am currently running tde 14.0.5 atop ubuntu 14.04.
[much deletia]
i'm glad you have kmail working as you like. i do, too.
|What does this protonmail do that makes it so much more desirable?
it's not either/or. protonmail is a secure mail service, not a mail client. you can learn about it if you like at protonmail.com. thing is, access to protonmail in linux is currently via a secure web interface (or an unofficial desktop app that is really a secure browser dedicated to protonmail). for windows and mac there is a thing called protonmail bridge. it encrypts the mail on the local machine before sending it, and decrypts it upon receipt, allowing more traditional mail clients to send and receive mail through protonmail. there is currently a beta, available only from protonmail, of the bridge for linux. that is what i am trying to install, so i can continue to use kmail, as i have for nearly two decades.
part of the reason for this is a change of the terms of use by my isp a week ago, wherein they announced that they would be combing through my email, pictures, and everything else in search of things useful to them. as a reporter and photographer for a living, i found this unacceptable. hence protonmail and hence my desire to make it work with kmail.
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