I'm pretty sure I had this problem before with an older version of Ubuntu
and TDE, but I don't recall how it was fixed.
Starting with a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04, I installed TDE according to
the instructions at
During the install of TDE, it asks me to choose between lightdm and
tdm-trinity. I chose tdm-trinity.
It gives an error:
WARNING: /lib/systemd/system/tdm.service is the selected default display
manger but does not exist
initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket
/com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
insserv: warning: script 'tdm-trinity' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: Default-Start undefined, assuming empty start runlevel(s) for
script 'tdm-trinity'
insserv: Default-Stop undefined, assuming empty stop runlevel(s) for script
Rebooting brings me to a command prompt instead of the GUI.
If I log in and do startx it brings up some kind of GUI with no icons or
panel. The only way to get out of it seems to be to power off the machine.
Also tried dpkg-reconfigure lightdm which failed with the same error when I
chose tdm-trinity. If I select lightdm things seem to work once I figured
out how to tell lightdm to start TDE instead of ubuntu.
Thanks in advance.
Hello, TDE hackers!
I am now working on packaging TDE to NixOS Linux distribution. I will
resume an earlier work I have made a long time ago, but for all
purposes it will be a long and challenging "TDE from Scratch" task.
As I read the wiki on building TDE from sources, I found there are a
bit heterogeneous build system: some old apps use Autotools, and the
new ones use Cmake. If the build system were homogeneous, it would be
a bit easier (for me at least :P) to maintain the Nix expressions.
So, I want to ask two things:
1 - There is some intent on wipe Autotools and adopt Cmake on all TDE tree?
2 - If yes to 1: how can I help on it?
Thanks in Advance!
Anderson Torres
Hi everyone, who is currently uses preliminary stable builds repository
as you have surely noticed, the final R14.0.1 was released. Currently at this
time packages in prelminary stable builds and official R14.0.1 are both based
on an identical source packages. That was indeed the reason why here was no
longer time any update in the preliminary stable builds repository.
If you used the preliminary stable builds only temporarily, you can now switch
to official packages. This is the best time because here are waiting updates
to upload into prelinary stable builds. You have been warned ;)
If you are using prelinary stable builds deliberately, you can look forward to
that next week will launch the first upload of packages for the new target
Thank you for your attention :)
From the synaptic history screen:
Commit Log for Thu Aug 27 04:44:56 2015
Upgraded the following packages:
tdeadmin-trinity (4:14.0.1-0debian7.0.0+0) to 4:14.0.1-0debian7.0.0+0
tdegames-trinity (4:14.0.1-0debian7.0.0+0) to 4:14.0.1-0debian7.0.0+0
And if I simply hit the apply button, it will do it again and again. I
nuked those two files in /var/cache/apt/archives by hand and it went
away. Those were quite long filenames, and contained some odd
characters. The dash is a legal char, but is the + sign? I don't know.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
There is a small bug with kmail-trinity, since a long time,
versions 3.5 and 14.0.
When I highlight a word or sentence and want to make a copy,
(left button of the mouse),
a menu appears, without the possibility of copy,
but instead, suggestion of others words.
This bug appears sometimes, not all the time...
and when it does, kmail is blocked, I have to wait
some seconds to retrieve kmail normally,
and often, always without the possibility of copy.
When I have to write ca mail in a hurry, it's really an inconvenience.
Best regards to us.
Hash: SHA512
Dear all,
just as a word of fore-notice, we are currently publishing the Debian/Ubuntu R14.0.1 packages to the main PPA and
mirror system.
So please be aware (as someone has already found out) that while the publishing and mirror synchonizing processes are
under way, you may occasionally run into dependency problems if you are updating TDE.
If so, please give it some time and try again a little later.
Version: GnuPG v2
As is very often the case, the PPA for TDE is not working. Though yesterday it would simply time out, today,
I get "509 Maximum Instantaneous Bandwidth Exceeded". This would not be a problem, except that it holds
back other needed updates on my system.
What needs to be done to make this PPA work well, and how can I help?
Err http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-r14.0.0/debian/ wheezy/main katomic-trinity amd64 4:14.0.1-0debian7.0.0+0
509 Maximum Instantaneous Bandwidth Exceeded
* John P. Willis, CEO
* Coherent Logic Development LLC
* Solutions: Everywhere
* 425 S. Telshor Blvd. Ste. 202
* Las Cruces, NM 88011
* Tel: 575.520.9542
* Fax: 575.449.4122
* jpw(a)coherent-logic.com
* http://www.coherent-logic.com/
Version: 3.1
GCS d-@ s+: a C++ UBLHS++++$ P+ L++ E++ W+++$ N++ !o K-? w++$ O+++ M V+++>$ PS+++ PE Y+ !PGP t+++ !5-- !X R tv+ b+++ DI+ !D-- G e h---- r+++ y++++
This is openSUSE 13.1. Is there something I can change in kdmrc to stop this
broken warning? Nothing in it jumps out at me. Elsehwere? I can ctrl-alt-Fn
to get to the vttys. http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/?0::2262
thread discusses, but I see no solution there that doesn't depend on a
running X session, and nothing in Bugzilla.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/
Greetings all;
I haven't rebooted, but did restart kmail. Nothing unusual in about 9
hours. Feels good, looks good.
Many thanks to all who had a hand in this.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
It originally was going to update 324 packages, but not all could be
downloaded, so now its back in the download phase, having updated about
100 that it could get the first time. 214 to go, but the download
screen is confusing because its not being kept up to date.
At one point I was looking at an estimated time to completion of 1 day +
23 hours, with a download rate of about 2k a second.
Right now is says 2278 B/s for file 13 of 278.
Did we melt the server down?
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>