  • 19 participants
  • 4179 discussions

[trinity-users] KMail filter question
by Michael
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] About A Boy, hmm.. a zombie - errr Transmageddon...
by BorgLabs - Kate Draven
4 years, 6 months

Re: [trinity-users] VLC crashes - chronic problem since Jessie
by BorgLabs - Kate Draven
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] try harder update?
by Felix Miata
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] kmail, video conference send invitaion issue
by gomadtroll
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] transmegeddon video encoder
by BorgLabs - Kate Draven
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] What do we have that will play an .mp4?
by Gene Heskett
4 years, 6 months

[trinity-users] Downgrade trinity.
by relosrl
4 years, 7 months

[trinity-users] Does Trinity run on Debian Testing?
by Janek Stolarek
4 years, 7 months

[trinity-users] r14-xdg-update script problem
by L.S. McCarty
4 years, 7 months
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