On Thursday 09 June 2016 07.08:22 Michael Howard wrote:
> On 07/06/2016 20:00, Dave Lers wrote:
> > If anyone is interested in running TDE on a Raspberry Pi (2 or 3),
> > it's relatively easy (much more so than w/ a cubieboard) and works
> > surprisingly well.
Having just ordered such a thing, I'd be interrested. I missed the start of
the thread, but "it's relatively easy" does not help much.
there don't seem to be any binaries, so I guess one must buld from source?
Which distribution do you favour?
Hi all!
I don't want my laptop to turn off when I close it if it is powered.
How can I do it?
I don't know where I should look for those settings, because the 'Lid
Switch Closed' setting is set 'Off'.
Best wishes, J. Drahun.
I just realized that Amarok is unable to play MPC (Musepack) files. I am using Debian 7 and have
libmpcdec6 installed on my system. Is anyone facing similar issues?
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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Hello all,
I just did a fresh install of Debian Jessie on my main notebook with the
lastest TDE. And i have to tell it's a pleasure to see that everything work
out of the box ( the most of the hotkeys, screen brightness, etc ...)
I tried different artwork inclued in the repo,
But it's the first time i use the "lipstik" tqt style, it a very nice style,
and look modern on TDE. Also "Crystal" windows decoration is impressive to
look modern.
Can you tell me where we have to put icons, tqt style and windows decoration
on TDE ? is it in "/home/user/.icons .themes" ... or
in "/home/user/.trinity/share ..." ?
Thanks to the team.
See you ;)
Hello all,
I have a strange problem, that was not there a dew days ago, although I could
not say exactly when (or why and how) it appeared:
When I plug a CF card in my card reader, an icon appears on the desktop
when I _mount_ the card (by clicking on it), a Konqueror windows opens BUT the
icon disappears - which means I can't umount it with the mouse, I have to
open a console and umount by hand.
Of course I have checked that "Mounted removable medium" was selected to be
displayed. It is. The only thing I changed recently was to set the Desktop
Background to a slide show.
I could not find in which file these settings are kept. Maybe someone has an
idea what's going on? R 14.0.0 by the way.
I've been using openSUSE with KDE3 for several years. Recently I installed trinity (last stable) on openSUSE 13.1. I am very satisfied with it so far. The only thing I miss know is how start menu items are organized. In openSUSE they are organized into submenus in 2 or 3 levels (eg System/Archiving/*, System/Desktop/* etc). Unfortunately trinity doesn't have this leveling, most programs are put under one main menu item. Eg the program lists in System menu almost fills my whole screen. Which files do I have to modify to have openSUSE type menu categories? Is it enough to adjust a file in /etc/xdg/menus or do I have to modify every single .desktop files belonging to the given applications, or something else?
I tried to install trinity on oenSUSE 13.1 and 13.2 according to the instructions on page https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/OpenSUSEInstall#For_OpenSUSE_13.2_.28R14.0.…
zypper install trinity-desktop gives dependency error:
# zypper install trinity-desktop
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
Problem: trinity-desktop-14.0.3-1.oss132.noarch requires trinity-tdemultimedia >= 14.0.3, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: trinity-tdemultimedia-14.0.3-1.oss132.i586[trinity]
Solution 1: do not install trinity-desktop-14.0.3-1.oss132.noarch
Solution 2: break trinity-desktop-14.0.3-1.oss132.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): c
I can find trinity-tdemultimedia 14.0.3, so I don't why the error is shown.
I can install trinity in yast software manager.
Hi all,
I have an old machine that still runs KDE 3. I plan to install Debian 8 with Trinity R14. Does R14
support settings migration from KDE3? Or will all the settings be lost?
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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