The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of TDE R14.0.10.
TDE is a complete software desktop environment designed for Unix-like
operating systems, intended for computer users preferring a traditional
desktop model, and is free/libre software. Born as a fork of KDE 3.5 back
in 2010, TDE is now a fully independent project with its own personality
and development team, available for various Linux distros, BSD and DilOS.
This release comes with new applications (KlamAV, Komposé), major
enhancements to virtual keyboard, customizable icon spacing on KDesktop,
various minor improvements and fixes to several long standing annoying
The full version of the Release Notes is available at
Additional information is also available here:
* TGW issue list
* Bugzilla bug list…
* Detailed changelog
We would like to thank all the people who have contributed to the
preparation of this release and we are looking forward for further
contributions in future.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
The TDE team is pleased to announce that the main website refresh has
been completed.
If you have not yet noticed this, a refreshment of the TDE website was
performed a few days ago. You don't have to worry - layout remains the
same in principle. However, thanks to E.Liddell the web site is now able
to adapt to the device being used! Along with this, the menu structure
was simplified and the contents of several pages was updated.
Some parts are still waiting for an update, such as some pages on Wiki.
In any case, we wanted to complete the update of the core website before
releasing TDE R14.0.10. If you have any other ideas, do not hesitate to
tell us.
A substantial change that was done within the update is the replacement of
former CLA per DCO. As discussed in the mailing list, in fact, DCO was
used for a long time. Therefore, the change does not affect existing
Note: In the previous announcement you could notice a typo - although
the subject stated R14.0.10, in the body R14.0.9 was incorrectly stated.
Obviously, at the end of April we expect releasing R14.0.10.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
Dear developers and users,
we would like to inform that the release of R14.0.9 is planned for the end
of April. If you want to contribute, now is a good time to test and also to
work on translations. The freezing of dependencies and core packages is
scheduled for April 23, applications freeze for April 27 and final freeze
for April 30.
I hope everything goes well.
Thank you for your support and help.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) team is pleased to announce that as a
donation from Michael (Internet Design Alliance), we have been given a new
virtual machine and disk space to create another new mirror.
The initial synchronization has already been performed and the mirror is
now included in the list of mirrors referenced from the primary
Thank you Michael!
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce that as a first step in migrating from Bugzilla to TGW Issues, we
have redirected to create new bug reports to be created as Issues in TGW.
When you use Report Bug/Request Enhancement... from the Help menu in the
application, you will be automatically directed to create an issue in the
repository belonging to the application.
When you want to create a new issue in the TGW web interface, without using
Report Bug/Request Enhancement... in application, you can first select the
repository that belong to the application and create an issue in the
appropriate repository - for example for the Basket application in
the 'basket' repository, for the 'kate' application in the 'tdebase'
repository, for the 'kmix' application in the 'tdemultimedia' repository.
If you are not sure which application the problem concerns and or which
repository belongs to the application, you can create an issue on the main
repository 'tde'.
To create issues in TGW, you will need to create an account in TGW instead
of the previous account in Bugzilla.
You can read more about TGW on the wiki:
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
Dear developers and users,
we would like to inform you that is planned a short outage of my server.
This affects the services that are provided on my server:
+ Master Archive web
+ Master Archive rsync
The temporary unavailability of these services should not affect normal
operation of essential services for TDE, because important things are part
of the mirror system and / or vps cache.
The outage is scheduled for Friday, December 4 at morning time (UTC time).
I assume it won't exceed two hours.
Thank you for your understanding.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of pinentry deb packages, which are
built in pinentry-tqt flavor.
The packages are available for most distributions, all architectures,
except the oldest supported distributions - Debian 7.x (Wheezy) and Ubuntu
14.04.x (Trusty). For users of these distributions, we recommend updating
to a newer version of the distribution.
I would like to thank Emanoil Kotsev in particular for his efforts to
incorporate the TQt flavor of pinentry into pinentry upstream.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team
Dear all,
as previously announced here:…
this weekend we have moved the core packages to a new 'core' sub folder.
1) If you don't have any local branches and you just use the source code as is, you just need to run:
as usual to get your local copy properly updated. It will take longer than usual because all the 19 core packages will
need to be cloned again.
You may have to remove old directories in tde/.git/modules/main (not in tde/.git/modules/main/core) at the end of the
update which are no longer used. The new cloned module git info will be in tde/.git/modules/main/core
2) If you are a developer and you are using worktrees, you can follow the procedure above as well and all should be fine.
3) If you are a developer using standard git repositories (no worktrees) and you have local branches that you would like
to keep, things are more complicated and will require manual work.
We recommend to:
A) make a full backup of your local repository copy
B) run ./scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean, this will update your local copy creating new copies of the
core modules
C) merge your local branches from the original backup into your new copy of the core modules.
4) If you don't want to clone the repositories at all, you will need to manually move folders and edit various git
configurations files. It works and you don't lose any information, but it is a tricky process and requires good
knowledge of git and its configuration. Do it at your own risk!
Hi everyone,
please be informed that this coming Saturday the structure of the code repository will undergo some changes.
All the main modules will be moved under a "core" folder, as detailed by the following PR:
The change will alter the hierarchy of submodules for the main TDE repository. As a precautionary measure, it is
recommended you backup your local copy of the affected repositories in case you have some local branches not published
If you don't have any local unpublished branch, you don't have much to worry since you can always clone the repository
A follow up announcement will be sent once the PR has been merged, so you will know when the new structure is in place.
The affected modules are:
tdeaccessibility, tdeadmin, tdebase, tdeedu, tdegraphics, tdelibs, tdenetwork, tdesdk, tdeutils, tdewebdev,
tdeaddons, tdeartwork, tdebindings, tdegames, tde-i18n, tdemultimedia, tdepim, tdetoys, tdevelop
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of TDE R14.0.9. Albeit being a
maintenance release, this version brings along a bunch of new applications
to expand the offer of the TDE desktop and provide a more modern look.
TDE is a complete software desktop environment designed for Unix-like
operating systems, intended for computer users preferring a traditional
desktop model, and is free/libre software. Born as a fork of KDE 3.5 back
in 2010, TDE is now a fully independent project with its own personality
and development team, available for various Linux distros, BSD and DilOS.
This release comes with new styles providing better look and feel (Baghira,
Domino, Ia Ora), new widgets (KoolDock and TastyMenu), new utilities
(KXMLEditor, Mathemagics, Qalculate) and new applications (Codeine,
TDEDocker, TDEPacman). It also adds support for Xine 1.2.10, improves
compatibility with PulseAudio, fixes various bugs, adds support for
brightness control from keyboard and integrates CVE-2020-17507 to prevent
buffer overflow in XBM parsers.
The full version of the Release Notes is available at
The complete list of bugs fixed in this release is available at these
locations (please note that the two lists complement each others, they are
not duplicates):
* TGW issue list
* Bugzilla reports…
* A detailed commit change log is also available at
We would like to thank all the people who have contributed to the
preparation of this release and we are looking forward for further
contributions in future.
Slávek Banko
TDE Team