Hash: SHA224
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of the new TDE R14.0.2 release. The
Trinity Desktop Environment is a complete software desktop environment
designed for Unix-like operating systems, intended for computer users
preferring a traditional desktop model, and is free/libre software.
R14.0.2 is the second maintenance release of the R14.0 series, and is
built on and improves the previous R14.0.1 version. Maintenance releases
are intended to promptly bring bug fixes to users, while preserving
overall stability through the avoidance of both new features and major
codebase re-factoring.
Previous R14.0.x Release Notes
You can read the release notes of the previous R14.0.1 release, on which
R14.0.2 is based, at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Release_Notes_For_R14.0.1 .
You can read the release notes of the original R14.0.0 release at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Release_Notes_For_R14.0.0 .
R14.0.2 Release Notes
This section highlights some of the most important fixes introduced by
this release
* Fixed installation/logon problem when installed in systems with Unity
and Gnome (see here for more details)
* Added support for Ubuntu 15.10 - Wily
* Added ports of some applications for FreeBSD
* This improves coexistence with other desktop environments
* Added subversion 1.9 support
The complete list of bugs fixed in this release is available at
A detailed commit change log is also available at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Changelog_For_R14.0.2 .
FreeBSD Support
Support for FreeBSD is improving - the port of a first group of
applications is now completed! However, there are still some issues that
need to be addressed before full FreeBSD support can be achieved.
Additional developers or contributors willing to help porting the
remaining features and applications are always welcome.
Getting TDE
Installation instructions and binary packages are immediately available
for Debian and Ubuntu. Packages for RedHat/CentOs, Fedora, Mageia,
OpenSUSE, and PCLinuxOS are being built by their respective maintainers
and will be made available at a later date.
Live CDs with TDE R14.0.2 preinstalled are available on the LiveCDs page.
User Feedback
Feedback from our users is an integral part of a large, user-experience
oriented project such TDE. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest an
improvement, or simply let us know your opinion of TDE, please feel free
to contact us. Two good places to start communication are the project's
mailing lists at https://www.trinitydesktop.org/mailinglist.php and its
bug tracker at https://bugs.trinitydesktop.org .
Developers Wanted
The TDE development team is small but friendly. If you wish to participate
in the TDE development process, please visit the Get involved page for
additional information.
Contribute to the TDE Project
Creating TDE requires significant computing resources and bandwidth.
Please consider helping to keep us online with a donation on our donations
page at https://www.trinitydesktop.org/donate.php .
In particular, the TDE project is looking to extend full support to the
OpenPOWER platform, using real OpenPOWER hardware, as this may be the only
open workstation/server class computing platform available in the future.
Please help us to do this with your donations.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Without your financial assistance, TDE
would not be possible!
Press Contact Information
Project Founder/Administrator: Timothy Pearson, kb9vqf(a)pearsoncomputing.net
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
Due to a continued lack of funding and difficulty sourcing an Internet
connection with sufficient bandwidth to sustain all of the services
currently offered, the Trinity Desktop Project is regretfully announcing
the temporary shutdown of the following services to the general public:
* PPA access to nightly builds for Debian and Ubuntu
* Weekly LiveCD builds
While work will continue to secure a faster Internet connection, it
appears that a physical move of the server cluster will be required; as a
result, it will be several months at minimum before the above services can
be reinstated. Moving all services to the cloud is not an option for
multiple reasons including high recurring costs, security concerns, and
the usage of highly complex software (Launchpad) that cannot be feasibly
hosted on such a system.
It is hoped that by temporarily disabling the listed services, reliable
access to more important services (such as the official release PPAs, main
Web site, Wiki, and GIT repositories) will be restored.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of the new TDE R14.0.1 release. The
Trinity Desktop Environment is a complete software desktop environment
designed for Unix-like operating systems, intended for computer users
preferring a traditional desktop model, and is free/libre software.
R14.0.1 is the first maintenance release of the R14.0 series, and is the
result of several months of ongoing effort by the TDE development team.
Maintenance releases are intended to promptly bring bug fixes to users,
while preserving overall stability through the avoidance of both new
features and major codebase re-factoring.
Original R14.0.0 Release Notes
You can read the release notes of the original R14.0.0 release, on which
R14.0.1 is based, at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Release_Notes_For_R14.0.0 .
R14.0.1 Release Notes
This section highlights some of the most important fixes introduced by
this release
* Added support for Ubuntu Vivid 15.04
* Added initial support for FreeBSD
* Added support for ARM64 and PowerPC64le
* Konqueror file filtering now works correctly
* TDE session manager crashes should no longer be experienced
* KHelpcenter incorrectly displayed content is now visualized correctly
* Incorrect window transparency with TDE Compton has been eliminated
* Incorrect circular dependency in Debian/Ubuntu packages has been resolved
* TDEFileReplace no longer hangs/crashes when circular links are encountered
* TDENetworkManager no longer crashes if an interace is removed
* TDENetworkManager no longer hangs on point-to-point connections
* TDevelop cmake template projects now builds correctly
* Digikam slideshow no longer hangs
* Several qt3/tqt3 security alerts have been fixed
* Several FTBFS has been addressed
* KDesktop no longer hangs on startup
* KMail no longer crashes if closed in offline mode
* KSquirrel can load codecs - works again
The complete list of bugs fixed in this release is available at
A detailed commit change log is also available at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Changelog_For_R14.0.1 .
FreeBSD Support
TDE now has basic support for FreeBSD! Additional developers are always
welcome to help port over the remaining features and applications.
Getting TDE
Installation instructions and binary packages are immediately available
for Debian and Ubuntu. Packages for RedHat/CentOs, Fedora, Mageia,
OpenSUSE, and PCLinuxOS are being built by their respective maintainers
and will be made available at a later date.
Live CDs with TDE R14.0.1 preinstalled are available on the LiveCDs page.
User Feedback
Feedback from our users is an integral part of a large, user-experience
oriented project such TDE. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest an
improvement, or simply let us know your opinion of TDE, please feel free
to contact us. Two good places to start communication are the project's
mailing lists at https://www.trinitydesktop.org/mailinglist.php and its
bug tracker at https://bugs.trinitydesktop.org .
Developers Wanted
The TDE development team is small but friendly. If you wish to participate
in the TDE development process, please visit the Get involved page for
additional information.
Contribute to the TDE Project
Creating TDE requires significant computing resources and bandwidth.
Please consider helping to keep us online with a donation on our donations
page at https://www.trinitydesktop.org/donate.php .
In particular, the TDE project is desperately in need of additional disk
space for its build farm to store the package archives of Debian Stretch,
and also the built binaries for the additional architectures that TDE is
being built for. ARM and OpenPOWER may be the architectures of the
future, and we would like to ensure that TDE is available and functioning
on those platforms.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Without your financial assistance,
TDE would not be possible!
Press Contact Information
Project Founder/Administrator: Timothy Pearson, kb9vqf(a)pearsoncomputing.net
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of the new TDE R14.0.0 release. The
Trinity Desktop Environment is a complete software desktop environment
designed for Unix-like operating systems, intended for computer users
preferring a traditional desktop model, and is free/libre software.
Unlike previous releases TDE R14.0.0 has been in development for over two
years. This extended development period has allowed us to create a better,
more stable and more feature-rich product than previous TDE releases. R14
is brimming with new features, such as a new hardware manager based on
udev (HAL is no longer required), full network-manager 0.9 support, a
brand new compositor (compton), built-in threading support, and much more!
Version scheme change
Also new in this release is a change from the KDE v3.5.x series
versioning. In line with our new, separate identity, and to avoid
incorrect comparisons with KDE SC based on version number alone, we are
dropping the old versioning scheme and replacing it with our new R-series
versioning scheme. Each new release from this point forward will be
identified with three numbers prefixed with an R (standing for "Release");
the first number is the major series, the second is the minor series, and
the last is the Stable Release Update (SRU) identifier. A stable series
will be indicated by a single Rxx.yy identifier, e.g. R14.0. Major
overhauls of the codebase that significantly and permanently change the
way TDE functions, such as the transition from HAL to the TDE Hardware
Library or the new style engine, will only occur when the major series
number increments. Normal, incremental development, including new
features, will be indicated with an increment of the minor version number.
Bug fixes backported to a stable series (Rxx.yy)--with no new features or
changed functionality--will be indicated via an increment of the SRU
identifier alone.
Getting TDE
Installation instructions and binary packages are immediately available
for Debian and Ubuntu. Packages for RedHat/CentOs, Fedora, Mageia,
OpenSUSE, and PCLinuxOS are being built by their respective maintainers
and will be made available at a later date.
Live CDs with TDE R14.0.0 preinstalled are available at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/LiveCDs .
Major Improvements from 3.5.13.x
The following is a list of the major improvements TDE R14.0.0 includes.
* New HAL-independent hardware support based on udev. HAL support is still
available for those systems (such as *bsd) that require it.
* Significant renaming of applications, libraries, and packages to avoid
conflicts with other desktop environments (most notably KDE). This allows
TDE to be installed in parallel with other desktop environments without
significant negative interaction.
* Upgrades to TQt3 (TDE's fork of Qt 3.3.8). TQt3 upgrades include a new,
modern style engine, multi-threading support, and improved speed and
* Support for network-manager 0.9 and newer.
* Switched compositor from Kompmgr to Compton-TDE, a fork of Compton with
TDE-specific features.
* Added builds for armel/armhf architectures on Debian and armhf on
Raspbian Wheezy.
* File mimetype detection system now based on libmagic.
To see more highlights of this release, please visit the TDE R14.0.0
information page at
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Release_Notes_For_R14.0.0 .
About TDE
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) was forked by Timothy Pearson in
2008 from the last official release of the K Desktop Environment's third
series (KDE3), version 3.5.10. It existed as a set of modified KDE3
packages for Ubuntu until 2009, when it was merged onto a proper source
control system (KDE SVN) and rebranded as TDE. Shortly thereafter, TDE's
core infrastructure was created utilizing spare computing capacity from
Raptor Engineering; these infrastructure resources currently include the
world's only Launchpad system based outside of Canonical Ltd. As the
project grew, the TDE team migrated off of KDE's SVN server onto our own
GIT server and has been completely independent from KDE from 2011 onward.
- From the beginning of the TDE project, individuals from around the world
have contributed to TDE, and our original desire to provide a powerful,
functional desktop environment in the traditional style has been upheld.
The TDE project still is led by Timothy Pearson utilizing Raptor
Engineering's computing resources. TDE currently is growing faster than it
ever has before, with many new contributors--and our dependable core team
of developers--helping to add new functionality, repair bugs, answer
questions on the mailing lists, and increase TDE's overall quality.
TDE fits into a niche similar to that of the MATE project for Gnome, but
TDE is geared more toward those who want a productive, efficient interface
with a high customization potential. Our dedicated team is continuing to
refine TDE instead of rebuilding it from scratch; this prolonged
development is something rarely seen in the open source applications
arena. While our niche position may not be as glamorous as some of the
larger projects such as KDE and Gnome we believe TDE is no less important
to those who rely on it and use it in their daily work, and we hope that
in the future our niche will continue to grow.
Developers Wanted
The TDE development team is small but friendly. If you wish to
participate in the TDE development process, please visit
https://www.trinitydesktop.org/helpwanted.php for additional information.
User Feedback
Feedback from our users is an integral part of a large, user-experience
oriented project such TDE. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest an
improvement, or simply let us know your opinion of TDE, please feel free
to contact us. Two good places to start communication are the project's
mailing lists at https://www.trinitydesktop.org/mailinglist.php and its
bug tracker at https://bugs.trinitydesktop.org .
Contribute to the TDE Project
Creating TDE requires significant computing resources and bandwidth.
Please consider helping to keep us online with a donation at
https://www.trinitydesktop.org/donate.php . Without your financial
assistance, TDE would not be possible!
Press Contact Information
Project Founder/Administrator: Timothy Pearson, kb9vqf(a)pearsoncomputing.net
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
TDE R14.0.0 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available for download!
R14 has been over 2 years in development. This delay has allowed us to
create a better, more feature-rich and more stable product than previous
TDE releases. R14 is brimming with new features, such as a new hardware
manager based on udev (HAL is no longer required), full network-manager
0.9 support, a brand new compositor, significantly improved compliance
with XDG specifications, a revamped, modern style engine, built-in
threading support, and much more!
TDE R14 RC2 is available as either a LiveCD built on Ubuntu Trusty or as a
set of packages for Ubuntu (Lucid, Precise, Trusty) or Debian (Wheezy).
While the final TDE R14.0.0 release will support additional series this
limited set was chosen to both increase reliability (all of these series
are Long Term Support or equivalent) and shorten time-to-release (the TDE
servers are still bandwidth-limited).
Installation instructions and Known Issues are available here:
Note that the LiveCDs may take 24 hours to become available.
Please test and report any regressions to the bug tracker. Please do not
report issues listed under the Known Issues section; we are already aware
of them and most, if not all, will be fixed in RC2.
As always the TDE project needs your financial support. Developing and
building TDE is expensive; your support helps shorten release cycle times,
add new features, and improve the quality of the TDE codebase. If like
what you see please consider donating to the project at
Let us know what you think on the mailing lists, and enjoy!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
TDE R14.0.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available for download!
R14 has been over 2 years in development. This delay has allowed us to
create a better, more feature-rich and more stable product than previous
TDE releases. R14 is brimming with new features, such as a new hardware
manager based on udev (HAL is no longer required), full network-manager
0.9 support, a brand new compositor, built-in threading support, and much
TDE R14 RC1 is available as either a LiveCD built on Ubuntu Trusty or as a
set of packages for Ubuntu (Lucid, Precise, Trusty) or Debian (Wheezy).
While the final TDE R14.0.0 release will support additional series this
limited set was chosen to both increase reliability (all of these series
are Long Term Support or equivalent) and shorten time-to-release (the TDE
servers are still bandwidth-limited).
Installation instructions and Known Issues are available here:
Note that the LiveCDs may take 24 hours to become available.
Please test and report any regressions to the bug tracker. Please do not
report issues listed under the Known Issues section; we are already aware
of them and most, if not all, will be fixed in RC2.
As always the TDE project needs your financial support. Developing and
building TDE is expensive; your support helps shorten release cycle times,
add new features, and improve the quality of the TDE codebase. If like
what you see please consider donating to the project at
Let us know what you think on the mailing lists, and enjoy!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA224
The QuickBuild TDE archive signing key was updated 06/08/2014 to increase
the key strength from 1024 bits to 4096 bits in accordance with a recent
security advisory. RSA key strengths of 1024 bits are considered
brute-forcable in 2014.
The new Debian and Ubuntu archive key fingerprint is:
You may add this updated signing key to your system with this command:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net
- --recv-keys F5CFC95C
It is also recommended that you remove the old signing key from your system:
sudo apt-key adv --delete-keys 2B8638D0
Thank you for using TDE!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) development team is pleased to
announce the immediate availability of version of the Trinity
Desktop Environment. The Trinity Desktop Environment is a complete
software desktop environment designed for Unix-like operating systems,
intended for computer users preferring a traditional desktop model, and is
free/libre software.
The 3.5.13.x releases, also known as "SRU", are focused on maintaining and
stabilizing the classic 3.5.13 branch of TDE, which was originally based
on KDE 3.5.10.
This stable release is the 3rd 3.5.13 release and it is comprises of 91
bug fixes and 530 patches, including:
* SAK (Secure Attention Key) improvements
* Desktop locking improvements
* Taskbar improvements
* Kickoff style menu improvements
* Faster session termination
* Better stability for some applications
External improvements include support for:
* automake 1.13
* clucene 2.x
* libwpd 0.9
* mp4v2
* ruby 1.9
* xine 1.2
This release adds support for newer versions of Linux distributions. It
should be a smooth update for everyone currently using a previous release
of TDE v3.5.13.x.
To learn about the details of this release, visit the information page
Getting TDE
Premade binary packages have been made available by our contributors for
Debian Squeeze, Wheezy; Ubuntu Lucid, Maverick, Natty, Oneiric, Precise,
Quantal, Raring; Fedora 15, 16, 17, 18; RedHat Enterprise/CentOS 4, 5, 6;
Mandriva 2011; Mageia 2, 3; openSUSE 11.4, 12.2, 12.3; and PCLinuxOS 2013.
You can find these packages and more at our homepage,
Hacking TDE
You too can join the community! Help support our desktop and what we do by
joining the mailing lists, and get user support from others like you! The
lists are available here: (http://trinitydesktop.org/mailinglist.php).
Help is always welcome!
Helping the TDE Project
Creating TDE requires significant computing resources and bandwidth;
please consider helping to keep us online with a donation at
http://www.trinitydesktop.org/donate.php !
About TDE
The TDE project began as a continuation of the K Desktop Environment (KDE)
version 3. The name Trinity was chosen partly because the word means
"three" and TDE was formerly a continuation of KDE 3. Now its own desktop
environment project, it continues to gain features, fix existing bugs, and
provide a stable desktop to all.
The TDE project was founded by and is still led by Timothy Pearson.
Timothy is an experienced and skilled software developer and was the KDE
3.x coordinator of previous Kubuntu releases.
Note: The correct reference to Trinity is "Trinity," "Trinity Desktop
Environment," or "TDE"; not "KDE3," "Trinity KDE3," "KDE3 Trinity,"
"KDE3 (Trinity)," "Trinity (KDE3)," or "KDE3 forked." The Trinity Desktop
Environment project is not a continuation of KDE 3.5 by KDE e.V., members
of which no longer support the KDE 3 series. Trinity is an independent
fork provided by a separate developer community. Thank you for using the
correct name!
Press Contact Information
Project Lead: Timothy Pearson, kb9vqf(a)pearsoncomputing.net
SRU Release Coordinator: Slavek Banko, slavek.banko(a)axis.cz
We are pleased to announce the public release of a full TDE theme engine
for GTK3! This engine allows GTK3 applications to use your current TDE
widget style, creating a more unified experience across multiple toolkits.
The source code is now accessible via TDE GIT, with binary builds for
Debian and Ubuntu coming shortly.
The full release announcement and screenshots are available here:
As always, if you like what you see please consider making a donation to
the Trinity Desktop Project; your donations help keep the site online and
allow more time to be spend on development work such as this new engine.
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
We are pleased to announce the public release of two components of a TDE
LDAP/Kerberos toolkit! The two components released today are libtdeldap
and kerberostray, both of which are now accessible via TDE GIT with binary
builds for Debian and Ubuntu coming shortly.
Additionally, other portions of this suite of LDAP/Kerberos tools are
being offered through the TDE bounty program. These tools are geared
towards enterprise users, and cover all aspects of creating, managing, and
using LDAP/Kerberos realms.
For more information, screenshots, statistics, and demo videos, please
visit the TDE RFE page at http://www.trinitydesktop.org/crfe/.
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project