Trinity Desktop Environment version 3.5.12 has been released! This
version provides significant enhancements to areas such as Personal
Information Management (PIM), GTK application support, and general
You will find a detailed list of upgrades and improvements to the Trinity
system here:…
Installation instructions for Debian, Ubuntu, and Slackware are available
on the Trinity project home page:
If you would like to compile Trinity from source instead of using the
prebuilt binaries, instructions are available here:
And the source itself can be downloaded from the main project Website at:
Simply click on the 3.5.12 link on the lower left hand side of the screen.
Why upgrade from KDE3.5.10, the latest release available from KDE e.V.?
Simply put, Trinity is faster, more secure, and far more feature rich than
3.5.10 ever was! It incorporates the latest patches from multiple KDE
enhancement projects, such as OpenSUSE, Chakra, and Ubuntu.
If you do find a bug, please don't hesitate to report it to the project
bugtracker at
If you would like to connect with other Trinity users and/or developers,
or simply want to be informed of the latest updates to the Trinity system,
the official project mailing lists are available here:
This release was the result of collaboration between several open source
developers; their names are listed at The Trinity project
would like to thank them for their support!
Be sure to let us know what you think of this release, and enjoy!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
As of 1:00PM CDT on September 27, 2010 a hard freeze is in effect in SVN.
Only crash fixes will be accepted at this point, and only if the patch
will not affect any other sections of Trinity.
Also, this is a friendly reminder that release is in less than 4
days...distribution maintainers, get your build systems cranked up!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
As of September 21, 2010 a pre-release freeze is being declared for
Trinity version 3.5.12.
This means that patches will only be accepted into SVN for the following
1. To repair a crash
2. To repair broken functionality, if the patch is very small and impact
to other code is minimal.
3. To disable broken features, if the patch required to repair the broken
feature does not fit into category 2 above.
This freeze means that the following patches, among others, will NOT be
accepted during the freeze period:
1. Changes to log messages, including warning and informational messages.
2. User-visible interface changes of any kind.
As with the feature freeze, this freeze will end on October 1, 2010 with
the release of 3.5.12.
I encourage everyone to update to the latest SVN release and start testing
to ensure that the software is stable and all features work as intended.
Thanks to the Trinity developers for all your hard work!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
This is a friendly reminder that a feature freeze for Trinity 3.5.12 is
now in effect. All developers should update their SVN to the latest
revision, rebuild, and start testing to find any major bugs prior to
Also, searchable Qt3 and Qt4 documentation is up on the Trinity website at Click on the "Documentation" link on
the left hand side to reach the new documentation page. Work is also
ongoing to rebuild an API documentation page for Trinity itself through
Please remember to report any major bugs found to the trinity-devel list!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
Trinity Developers,
A feature freeze for Trinity version 3.5.12 will be in effect from
September 15, 2010 until the middle of October 2010. Please submit any
non-bugfix patches before that date if you would like them included in the
3.5.12 release. After September 15, only bug fixes will be committed to
SVN until 3.5.12 has been released.
Thank you,
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Desktop Project
KDE3/Trinity for Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS has been released!
ISO images and torrents are available at while release notes and new
feature highlights are on the Wiki at
Get it while it's hot!
The Trinity team thanks you for your patience during the past couple of
weeks. The Launchpad build service from Canonical, which plays a vital
role in building the software for the LiveCD images, was experiencing
problems for much of that time.
Be sure to let us know what you think at, and if there are any
bugs that snuck in, please report them at
Thank you and enjoy the power of Free Software!
Timothy Pearson
KDE3/Trinity Project
It is with great pride that I introduce the long-awaited fork of KDE3.5,
codename Trinity. The main project Web site is available at, and uploads of all the Kubuntu KDE3.5
features and bugfixes to official SVN are in progress as I write this.
There are three new mailing lists that I encourage people to join. They are:
* trinity-announce(a) (a low traffic list for Trinity
* trinity-users (high traffic list where users can discuss the use of
Trinity on any distro)
* trinity-devel (medium traffic list for Trinity developers)
Bugs in Trinity will be handled through the existing bugtracker at
This project will keep the KDE3.5 experience alive for the foreseeable
future, while polishing off remaining rough edges and adding new features.
Developers are wanted. As with the original KDE, you don't have to write
code to be of help--artists, documentation/Wiki help, and UI design/review
people are needed as well. If you are interested in supporting the
Trinity project, please contact me at kb9vqf(a) or write
to the trinity-devel list.
Let's keep the efficient KDE3.5 interface alive!
Timothy Pearson
Trinity Developer
The new Kubuntu Karmic release still includes KDE3, for those who prefer
ease of use, stability, and performance.
Full details, a list of new features, and LiveCD ISO images are available at:
Get 'em while they're hot!
Timothy Pearson
KDE3.5 Maintainer/Developer